Stories Co.
Happy New Year buttercups!!! I'm coming to you today with a bit of maintenance post:
Stories Co.
1. There will be a huge clearance sale coming soon (excluding relatively new releases & collab items) at my main store. Many items will be permanently moved to to MP and the rest will be sold by size (& color packs) not by color, after the sale is over.
Stories Co.
2. The remaining items will get new sizes - Reborn and Lara x variations. This will be happening in the span of couple of months since I no longer rig myself due to time limitations.
Stories Co.
3. I'm no longer offering legacy sizes for new & upcoming releases - there will be no legacy update to Marlene Vest & Lucile Top and Thermals.
Stories Co.
4. I already have couple of releases in the works but also my RL job and schedule is changing significantly this week so I can't promise regular releases. I DO however promise to bring you some new and exciting items whenever i can... some that's been promised for years coughSUITcough.
Stories Co.
THANK YOU for supporting my store all through 2023, especially when I was less active, it means a lot! 💜💜💜