The only hardcore resolution goal for 2023 was 10k steps daily so pretty pleased with this. As for this year’s resolutions...
While i’d like to think i’ll still easily hit step goals cuz walking is just an ingrained daily habit now, I will look into further forms of exercise. I already have enough cardio between steps, drumming, the occassional beat saber etc.
(banana_gym) (banana_gym) (banana_gym)
While financially supporting others, family or otherwise, will prolly still be a thing this year, really REALLY gonna clamp it down for me. So the resolution is to quit getting NEW things for me. Copout caveat is getting a pass for much needed replacements (looks at my Macbook with many broken keys) so its really no new guitars lol.
- Figure out a good online and intuitive photo sharing app/service so i can...
- Finally process my family albums as well as my own photos
- Finish The Office (after I finish this nth rewatch of Parks & Rec)
- Release more music.
LATE ADDITION: No more buffets. Did 7 last month alone. Spent most of last year already feeling my love for them dying out. Thought I could strategize. Came out with more regret than anything.