It's Just Deca
[rl/family] not really drama but neg stuff
It's Just Deca
I am trying to figure out wtf is going on because???
It's Just Deca
My mom's mom's side of the family includes all the aunts and uncles I know.
It's Just Deca
They are all french canadian, very white, live literally on top of each other in two multi family homes
It's Just Deca
I'm half Puerto Rican and my mom left home literally at 18
It's Just Deca
she joined the military and never stopped moving and none of them have ever moved a day in their lives and so going back for holidays was always Weird
It's Just Deca
No one really knew us, and we didn't look like anyone else, so idk I never got attached much
It's Just Deca
And so we have always been distant, I have literally never had a concept of 'family' like other people might, just a general vague annoyance at having to interact with people who only cared enough to be polite
It's Just Deca
it is whatever. I got used to it. I don't love it but I can't redo my childhood
It's Just Deca
But now I'm 34 and suddenly my aunt and uncle are making vague motions at attempting to bridge the gap and I could not understand why less
It's Just Deca
I'm single and poor and queer, why bother me NOW
It's Just Deca
it's almost more of a pain because it is only vague motions at it. Nothing is being addressed, they're not attempting to get to know me better
It's Just Deca
what do you WANT
uh... okay, try harder, aunt and uncle
just because they realized after 3 and a half decades that there was a whole other family member they could have had in their lives this whole time, doesn't mean you have to stop what you're doing to cater to them, gosh
how awkward...
It's Just Deca
That does sound awkward.
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
they might be realizing their own mortality creeping up on them and trying to make motions that they can feel self-satisfied about
It's Just Deca
that's the only thing I can think of, but I'm still like. Eh.