Help. I did something silly. I put Cthulhu on the tdm.
I may be a little bit insane, but at least I'm having fun.
The hardest part is just going to be writing an app for this guy... I say as I stare at one.
While I can think of why he would make a (hilarious) adequate warden, it's hard for me to put it into words. Like, it totally fits with the whole 'Cthulhu Saves' bit he has going on in the games where essentially he has to do some good things in order to get back to his being an awful eldritch god.
I might just have to sleep on it. But I want to write...
This is going to be hard. There is no info on this character/game I am going to have to make it all up.
I'll bump or replurk this tomorrow to see if anyone's around.
Incredible username
if only i'd come up with the pun myself, but i took the best pun in the game because it was fantastic