In 1837, during the Edo period, the Morrison Incident spread anxiety throughout Honshu before Japan opened its borders. There were pros and cons to opening the borders of the country, but it was not just people who were unsure, but also... Yokai. 1837年,江戶時代,當時的日本仍在鎖國狀態,而馬禮遜號事件導致對此的焦慮在本州擴散開來。開放國境有利有弊,然而,不只人們感到躊躇……就連妖怪也是如此。
??1: find them!! find them!! find those who committed treason against the Shogunate! ??2: as a nation, we will protect our borders! do not suffer a traitor to live! find them! 「把他找出來!找出來!找出那個叛國賊!」 「我們將以民族之名保護邊界!絕不讓叛徒存活!把他找出來!」
??3: I have landed in great trouble. for the sake of my country and the Shogunate, I devoted myself to my studies. I am now branded a traitor to my own country... over writing a book. 真是滅頂之災啊…為了國家與幕府,我孜孜苦讀,結果現在卻因為寫了一本書而被打為叛國賊。
are my dreams of opening my country to the world nothing but an act of treason? there is so much knowledge out there in the world. knowledge that could help our nation, and yet the Shogunate... 讓國家對世界敞開大門是我的夢想,而這竟是叛國之舉? 外頭的世界有那麼多的知識能夠幫助我們的民族,幕府卻…
M: well, it's time to go. the next life awaits, and you remain mine to collect... 是時候了,我的收藏品,下輩子的人生正在等你…
??3: dear Ayakashi-sama... I need more time. I hope to help my country and my people. I want to see our future with my own eyes, before I go. 親愛的惡魔先生,我需要更多時間。我希望能幫助我的國家和人民,我想在離開前親眼見到未來。
M: but it's over now. ah... my poor scholar, branded a traitor, slain by the very people you sought to help. humans really are difficult to understand. 已經結束了。 啊…我可憐的學者,被那些他想幫助的人所殺,貼上叛國的標籤。 人類實在是難以理解。
U: well, well, well, what an unexpected guest. I did notice a certain in the influence of scholar of late. were you the cause of that, perhaps? 哦哦,真是一位不速之客啊。我確實注意到了學者最近造成的影響,或許這一切都是因為你?
M:...a Yokai appeared before me. how strange. …一隻妖怪出現在我面前,這是多麼奇怪啊。
U: huh? what the hell are you saying. are you speaking some western language? sorry, I only understand Japanese. if you're in our conutry, speak our language... wait a moment... 嗯?你在說什麼鬼?你說的是西方的語言嗎? 抱歉,我只聽得懂日語,既然你身在我們的國家,就說我們的語言…等一下…
U: I've always been curious, but I don't know any western languages. if would be nice in one of the surviving scholars could read it to me. aaaah, if only there was one. 我一直很好奇這裡面的內容,可是我不懂任何西方的語言。如果有個倖存的學者能替我朗讀就好了。啊--要是有一個就好了呢。
M: the Yokai of this country seem to serve at the Shogun's pleasure. almost as if they were his personal guard. stranger still, they appear to have a high interest in western literature. this... unnamed Yokai appears to be their leader, seeing as I have counted at least 100 other Yokai doing their bidding.
M: the unnamed Yokai calls me by the name Mephistopheles. a fictional demon from the first book I read to them. there is no doubt in my mind that they mean it as an insult. I find it highly annoying.
M: I was wondering when you would tell me your name. 我很好奇,你什麼時候才會告訴我你的名字?
U: oh, a name? I don't bother with thing such as that. they spread like wildfire, and reputations are completely useless to a Yokai. 噢,名字?我不在乎這種事。那玩意兒就像燎原的野火,而且名聲對妖怪來說毫無意義。
U: oh, you noticed! the Japan border opening is just around the corner, and I've met many humans. I got these from a mysterious foreign merchant. 噢,你注意到了! 日本國境開放指日可待,我遇到好多人類,還從一個神秘的外國商人那裡得到了這個!
D: oh hello! Shacho-san!! you buy this chuues!! shoes shoes!! I mean!! come on, come on!! so premier! so premier na! 哈囉!Shacho-san!來買些子!鞋子!我是說鞋子!來嘛來嘛!最棒的!最棒的喔!
U: oh?? you international human? ah, nonono. me is no Shacho. me is no human. me is Yokai. 喔?你歪國人?喔,不不不,窩不是Shacho。窩,不,人類。窩,妖怪。
U: "women's shoes""men's shoes" hahaha. what a human thing to think about, dear demon friend. unlike humans, we Ayakashi are not constricted by gender at all. I had assumed demons were the same. 「女人的鞋子」「男人的鞋子」哈哈哈哈,親愛的惡魔朋友,你的思考方式未免太過人類了。我們妖怪根本不像人類那樣受性別限制,我還以為惡魔也一樣。
M: the unnamed Yokai was attracted to "new things". books, costumes, food and drink from beyond the seas. they had grown enamored with all things foreign, likely having gained the interest from attending the many meetings held by those advocating for open borders.
during this period, the existence of Yokai was well known in this country, and certain classes of Yokai were given special privileges among the populace.
U: aaah, the merchant of Venice. that was a very exciting twist! I can never predict the end of any Shakespearian story. this is a masterpiece! 威尼斯商人,啊--多麼扣人心弦的轉折!我永遠猜不到莎士比亞故事的結局,這是傑作!
M: you know how much time and effort it takes to translate one book? …你知道要花多少時間跟精力才能翻譯完一本書嗎?
U: it would be great if I could understand foreign languages as well as you do. I actually once tried to sneak into a school for Dutch studies, but they found out I was a Yokai and drove me out. 如果我能像你一樣理解外語就好了。 老實說,我曾經潛進專門鑽研荷蘭的學校,可是他們一發現我是妖怪就把我趕走了。
M: a school... you've tried to learn like humans do? 學校…你試圖像人類那樣學習?
U: don't you think it sounds interesting? wouldn't it be great to speak foreign languages and communicate with people around the world? 你不覺得這聽起來很有趣嗎?用外語跟世界各地的人交流,這不是很棒嗎?
U: ha ha! no, not really! but... I love humans. they come off as bad on the surface, sure, but... they're kind creatures. 哈哈!不算是!但…我愛人類。當然啦,他們表面上看起來很壞,可是…他們是善良的生物。
M: a Yokai who loved humans. I was surpprised what a strange thing to go. while Yokai are different from demons, I have never know one to "love" humanity as much as this one does. all their... "poetry","drinking","entertainment", and... "songs"
M: a radiant soul, the likes of which I have never seen before. I hold no interest in mortal bodies that die and rot. souls, on the other hand, are eternal. and a sound soul does not lie only in humans, but in all manner of creatures and things. but they must be given willingly.
M: time is running out for this Yokai. taking on the dirty work for humans has taken its toll. Yokai live long lives, but they are not immortal as we demons. what a waste, for such a radiant soul to fade into the stars, with none to claim it.
U: you can see it, can't you? my tenure within this world is at its close. like Shakespeare's stories, mine also ends in death. hopefully... I'll make it in time for the opening border of this country. 你看到了,不是嗎? 我在這世上的日子就要到頭了。就像莎士比亞的故事一般,以死亡作結。 我真希望…能來得及看見國家開放邊境。
U: upon my death, the Shogun has promised to open the border and announce the existence of us Yokai to humans before that happens. we are entering a new era. I want my people to live freely and openly. 幕府將軍承諾,會在我死後向世人公告妖怪的存在,並開放國境。 之後會進入嶄新的時代,我希望我的人民能夠活得自由又開放。
unlike you demons who require souls to exist, we Yokai are more like stories. when people stop remembering us, we cease to exist. the Yokai will live alongside humanity, forever. 我們妖怪不像你們惡魔,靠人類的靈魂存續,我們更像是故事,要是人們不記得我們,我們也將不復存在。 妖怪將會與人類一起生活,直到永遠。
M: if I... if I told you I could save your life, what would you do? you hosted me, and so it is custom that I grant you a wish. but know that it will not change your fate. now, tell me your wish- 如果我…如果我告訴你,我能拯救你的生命,你會怎麼做? 你款待了我,所以依照慣例,我會實現你的願望。但你要知道,你的命運是無法改變的。現在,告訴我你的願望--
I believe in my people. they can live alongside humans through these changing times. with the Shogunate's support, it will all be fine. it's a shame I won't be here to see it. but I am happy knowing it will end well. 我相信我的人民。 他們可以跟人類一起在千變萬化的時代中生存下去。有幕府的支持,一切都會好起來的。 很遺憾我無法站在這裡見到那一切,但我很高興知道那會是個好結局。
I have no regrets.... if I were to be reborn... well... I would go to a temple school and then... I would become a performer and sing songs every day. I would play a stringed instrument like a biwa and sing with all my heart. 我不後悔…但如果有來生,嘛… 我想去廟裡上學,然後…我想當一個天天唱歌的藝人。我會演奏類似琵琶的弦樂器,全心全意唱歌。
U: hahaha! I guess you are right. even Yokai can dream, you know. well. I have an important meeting to attend. Mephisto, want to come along with me? 哈哈哈!我猜你是對的。你知道的,即使是妖怪也有作夢的權利。 嘛,我要參加一場重要的會議,梅菲斯特,你想一起來嗎?
U: I don't know why. but I kind of want you to come. won't you? you're in love with my soul, right? if you really want to grant me a wish- 我也不曉得,但我有點想要你一起來,你不來嗎?你不是愛著我的靈魂嗎?如果你真的想實現我的願望--
U: it's our first time meeting, isn't it? are you one of the new Daimyo from the Shogunate? I believe Shogun-sama was supposed to speak directly with me about the announcement letter. has he not arrived yet? 這是我們第一次見面,對吧?你是幕府的新大名嗎? 我想將軍大人應該親自和我討論公告信的事,他還沒到嗎?
人: no, sir, he is not here. neither the Shogunate nor the country intends to announce the existence of Ayakashi. neither do we have any intention of opening our borders to the world outside. 還沒,先生,他不在這裡。不論幕府還是國家都不打算公開妖怪的存在,也不會對外面的世界開放我們的邊境。
妖1: your guard was down, which is so unlike you. you would not have shown such weakness in the past. 你鬆懈了呢,真不像你。過去的你可不會露出軟弱的模樣。
妖2: my liege, we do not agree with your delusional dream. we Yokai would be displaced if this country opens its borders and floods with foreigners! 主君,我們無法同意你的妄想。要是國家開放邊境,隨之湧入的外國人會讓我們妖怪流離失所!
妖1: shut up! I wish we had stayed like we were! if we had stayed in the dark and hid from humans, things would have been- 閉嘴!我只想保持不變!要是我們跟從前一樣待在黑暗裡、隱藏在人類之中,事情就--
人: have you ever wondered why the Shogunate accepted your wish, Yokai? the reason is that we decide to eliminate all of you once your usefulness dried up. 你想過幕府為什麼會接受你的願望嗎?妖怪。 因為我們決定,一旦你們派不上用場了,就把你們統統消滅。
U: how dare you... killed my people... my family!! 你怎麼敢…殺害我的人民…我的家人!
人: you and your allies will be completely erased from this country by the Shogunate. we will do this without regard to your wishes or dignity. the Shogunate has made this decision, and I would like to thank you once again for your hard work and service to the Shogunate. 你和你的夥伴會被幕府治理的國家徹底消抹。無論你的尊嚴或意願都不在我們的考慮之列。幕府已經做出了決定,我在此再次感謝你從前替幕府工作的辛勞。
妖: I wonder when my liege will return. 妖: when they come back, let's greet them with flowers and letters! 妖: will my liege sing to us when they come back? 妖: let's ask them together! I love it when they sing! 妖: I can't wait to see them back... I miss them.
人: what are you doing? cut it off, now! 部下: my sword is... it is not going through! 人: you are useless! what are you doing! hurry up and chant the sutra! 「你在做什麼?現在就砍頭!」 「我的刀…砍不進去!」 「你這個廢物到底在做什麼!快點!念經!」
M: ah... betrayed by the humans to whom you placed such faith. what a tragic ending. and now, you will consume them all. but it will not bring back your family. you really are just like me, are you not, unnamed Yokai? beings such as can never coexist peacefully with humanity. it is merely a delusional dream.
人: stay away... I speak for the Shogunate! I speak for the country! stop right there!! not a step closer!! I command you!! be gone!! you monster!!! 離我遠一點…我以幕府之名!以國家之名命令你!停下來!不准再往前進!滾開!你這個怪物!
M: what are you hesitating for? aren't you going to kill him? it was these humans who betrayed you, and killed your family. why spare even a single one of them? 你還在猶豫什麼?你不殺了他嗎? 這些人類背叛了你,殺了你的家人。為什麼要饒恕他們的一員?
M: I did not understand the unnamed Yokai. what caused them to show mercy to that human? why did they decide to disappear on their own? as their life neared its end, I had not time to ask them. that strange Yokai, who loved humanity and all their creations so much, that they would ensnare a demon to translate books for them.
I think back to their soul, shining that radiant blue light, forged of all the sins they had committed in service to the humans that betrayed them in the end. all in service to delusional dream, that humanity would ever let their people live free. you... you truly were a strange soul.
U: well...let's say, for an example, if I were to be reincarnated, and find myself hopelessly damned... would you show up from behind the door? 嘛…假設一下,若是我轉世投胎,發現自己毫無希望地遭受詛咒…你會從那扇門後現身嗎?
There were pros and cons to opening the borders of the country, but it was not just people who were unsure, but also... Yokai.
??2: as a nation, we will protect our borders! do not suffer a traitor to live! find them!
for the sake of my country and the Shogunate, I devoted myself to my studies.
I am now branded a traitor to my own country... over writing a book.
there is so much knowledge out there in the world.
knowledge that could help our nation, and yet the Shogunate...
the next life awaits, and you remain mine to collect...
??3: dear Ayakashi-sama... I need more time.
I hope to help my country and my people.
I want to see our future with my own eyes, before I go.
??3: I just... want to see it!
ah... my poor scholar, branded a traitor, slain by the very people you sought to help.
humans really are difficult to understand.
I did notice a certain in the influence of scholar of late.
were you the cause of that, perhaps?
M:...a Yokai appeared before me. how strange.
are you speaking some western language?
sorry, I only understand Japanese. if you're in our conutry, speak our language...
wait a moment...
hey! do you understand Japanese?
I'm asking if you understand Japanese! come on, say it!
U: can you read this book? hey!!
M: Goethe's Faust... I see.
German literature, but appears translated into English.
M: what are you saying?
U: I've always been curious, but I don't know any western languages.
if would be nice in one of the surviving scholars could read it to me.
aaaah, if only there was one.
U: come on now, my demon friend...
it would be such a great way to kill some time.
let's get along. right?
M: my promise to you was that I would finish by tonight.
cease your pestering.
this is Shakespeare's first comedy right? I can't wait to read it!
the Yokai of this country seem to serve at the Shogun's pleasure.
almost as if they were his personal guard.
stranger still, they appear to have a high interest in western literature.
this... unnamed Yokai appears to be their leader, seeing as I have counted at least 100 other Yokai doing their bidding.
U: don't say such a thing, bro!
we're frineds, right?
the unnamed Yokai calls me by the name Mephistopheles.
a fictional demon from the first book I read to them.
there is no doubt in my mind that they mean it as an insult. I find it highly annoying.
U: oh, a name? I don't bother with thing such as that.
they spread like wildfire, and reputations are completely useless to a Yokai.
and what are those... high heels.
the Japan border opening is just around the corner, and I've met many humans.
I got these from a mysterious foreign merchant.
come on, come on!! so premier! so premier na!
U: oh?? you international human?
ah, nonono. me is no Shacho. me is no human. me is Yokai.
U: Yokai, international human... friend!!
I can sell you in special price!!
U: ohhhhh!! me like handsome shoes!!
D: yeah let's go!! so handsome na!! yeah, let's go!!
U: let's go!!
M: gallant? those are women's shoes.
unlike humans, we Ayakashi are not constricted by gender at all.
I had assumed demons were the same.
妖2: absolutely! you look even more frightening my liege!
the unnamed Yokai was attracted to "new things".
books, costumes, food and drink from beyond the seas.
they had grown enamored with all things foreign, likely having gained the interest from attending the many meetings held by those advocating for open borders.
I can never predict the end of any Shakespearian story. this is a masterpiece!
M: you know how much time and effort it takes to translate one book?
I actually once tried to sneak into a school for Dutch studies, but they found out I was a Yokai and drove me out.
M: a school... you've tried to learn like humans do?
wouldn't it be great to speak foreign languages and communicate with people around the world?
M:...are you trying to be human?
they come off as bad on the surface, sure, but... they're kind creatures.
a Yokai who loved humans. I was surpprised what a strange thing to go.
while Yokai are different from demons, I have never know one to "love" humanity as much as this one does.
all their... "poetry","drinking","entertainment", and... "songs"
U: like me?
M: arrogant, greedy, and shameless in your strange obsession with humanity.
M: hate you or not, you are difficult to understand.
U:...but hey. you want somthing from me.
where the hell have you been looking at me all this time? huh?
a radiant soul, the likes of which I have never seen before.
I hold no interest in mortal bodies that die and rot. souls, on the other hand, are eternal.
and a sound soul does not lie only in humans, but in all manner of creatures and things.
but they must be given willingly.
I wish to collect it...
妖2: my liege!
time is running out for this Yokai. taking on the dirty work for humans has taken its toll.
Yokai live long lives, but they are not immortal as we demons.
what a waste, for such a radiant soul to fade into the stars, with none to claim it.
my tenure within this world is at its close.
like Shakespeare's stories, mine also ends in death.
hopefully... I'll make it in time for the opening border of this country.
M: you...
we are entering a new era. I want my people to live freely and openly.
the Yokai will live alongside humanity, forever.
U: I have done the bidding of these humans for hundreds of years. they will honor my last request.
M: I can't believe you are drinking in your condition. stop it.
妖1: sir Mephistopheles... it's okay.
沒關係的,梅菲斯特先生… are truly difficult to understand.
you hosted me, and so it is custom that I grant you a wish.
but know that it will not change your fate.
now, tell me your wish-
they can live alongside humans through these changing times. with the Shogunate's support, it will all be fine.
it's a shame I won't be here to see it. but I am happy knowing it will end well.
I would go to a temple school and then... I would become a performer and sing songs every day.
I would play a stringed instrument like a biwa and sing with all my heart.
U: hahaha! I guess you are right.
even Yokai can dream, you know.
well. I have an important meeting to attend.
Mephisto, want to come along with me?
U: I don't know why.
but I kind of want you to come. won't you?
you're in love with my soul, right?
if you really want to grant me a wish-
妖: my liege! good luck and come back to us soon!
full glad am I to receive you.
I believe Shogun-sama was supposed to speak directly with me about the announcement letter.
has he not arrived yet?
neither do we have any intention of opening our borders to the world outside.
you would not have shown such weakness in the past.
妖2: my liege, we do not agree with your delusional dream.
we Yokai would be displaced if this country opens its borders and floods with foreigners!
妖4: you know as well as we do that our liege would never put us in danger! why would you do this!
if we had stayed in the dark and hid from humans, things would have been-
the reason is that we decide to eliminate all of you once your usefulness dried up.
U: how dare you... killed my people... my family!!
we will do this without regard to your wishes or dignity.
the Shogunate has made this decision, and I would like to thank you once again for your hard work and service to the Shogunate.
人: as I stated earlier, this decision was made by the Shogunate.
U: he would never do such a thing as this!
人: regardless of your wishes...
人: this is impossible!
you are no longer needed in this country.
do it.
妖: when they come back, let's greet them with flowers and letters!
妖: will my liege sing to us when they come back?
妖: let's ask them together! I love it when they sing!
妖: I can't wait to see them back... I miss them.
部下: my sword is... it is not going through!
人: you are useless! what are you doing! hurry up and chant the sutra!
ah... betrayed by the humans to whom you placed such faith. what a tragic ending.
and now, you will consume them all. but it will not bring back your family.
you really are just like me, are you not, unnamed Yokai?
beings such as can never coexist peacefully with humanity.
it is merely a delusional dream.
stop right there!! not a step closer!!
I command you!!
be gone!! you monster!!!
it was these humans who betrayed you, and killed your family.
why spare even a single one of them?
I did not understand the unnamed Yokai.
what caused them to show mercy to that human? why did they decide to disappear on their own?
as their life neared its end, I had not time to ask them.
that strange Yokai, who loved humanity and all their creations so much, that they would ensnare a demon to translate books for them.
all in service to delusional dream, that humanity would ever let their people live free.
you... you truly were a strange soul.
would you show up from behind the door?