You're Quinner
putting pickles on a sandwich is an act of God's love
Love Snake Kaja
You're Quinner
it makes the sandwich taste more like pickles, i.e. delicious
✶ 𝐇𝐨𝐇𝐨𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨!
how can one acquire this power
Love Snake Kaja
I agree, but different people have different tastes! But yeah let's appreciate pickles in this plurk.
You're Quinner
I'm not going to pretend i didn't make this plurk just to antagonize raven
literally my most important burger topping tbh
oh i'm scary
fortunately I am completely zen and cannot be provoked to anger
You're Quinner
octopath traveler is boring
oh i'm scary
very calmly and for rational reasons looks up dark web assassins
I recently purchased some sandwich pickles from the farm my family buys our Christmas trees from and holy shit they’re so tasty
the grink
this is correct, but i must ask: is this a safe space for people who mix pickles with peanut butter
the grink
because i am so tired of my family acting like i'm a gross pervert for a pbp
You're Quinner
I respect them but am not that powerful myself
this plurk made me go upstairs and get a small bowl of pickles to munch on
Love Snake Kaja
the grink : oooh I do that too
Love Snake Kaja
I make sandwiches like that
I am aware of peanut butter pickle sandwiches and I haven't tried them but I don't see like an inherent contradiction unless you think PB can only be mixed with sweet things
I mean when you think about peanuts and tamarind in pad thai
the grink
Rama : ...see I think that's where the main household conflict comes from for me, a californian raised on pbp who ended up in a relationship with a new englander raised on fluffernutters