Mmw Strangelove
My niece (11) got her first phone, so I am being inundated with texts and getting the good gossip about my brother's new girlfriend. That she's "super cool" and "the nicest" and made my niece feel grown-up and included. 👍
Dude, YES, I love this!!!!
Mmw Strangelove
apple : me too. Having women bring you into the fold is so important at her age. She looks up to them so much especially because she grew up without a mom.
Mmw Strangelove
And by all accounts the girlfriend is really nice. I hate my niece's stepmom a lot so this was positive news for me.
It's so freakin' amazing. Seriously, I cannot wait to hear more about the adventures they get up to.
Awww all of this is awesome
awww how sweet
Mmw Strangelove
Just realizing this is a little unclear - my niece belongs to my sister, not my brother. This woman would be an aunt to her, not a stepmom. But it's still really positive because she spends tons of time with them and her grandpa.
This made me smile today :-)