Love Snake Kaja
[d&d] [tabletop] Forgotten Realms campaign ideas:
Love Snake Kaja
1. Standard adventurers solving various troubles. The most classic D&D campaign of all the ideas here.
Love Snake Kaja
You probably have a good image of what this is like.
Love Snake Kaja
2. You're members of a group that has taken a fancy to a dead and nearly forgotten god, questing to retrieve the pieces of said god to revive them.
Love Snake Kaja
Basically lots of going into lost ruins and such, piercing together what theology you can, and such.
Love Snake Kaja
3. You're a book retrieval team working for the greatest library on Faerun (which has a rivalry with Candlekeep and other similar places).
Love Snake Kaja
Lots of going into dungeons to retrieve books plus some breaking and entering to get books back from various figures.
3 has a lot of potential for planning heists
And lemme tell you there is no system I know that is better for running madcap heists than D&D
Love Snake Kaja
owl time oh i'm scary sailor bii NekoIncardine Nerdorama rukafais just pinging some folks who might be interested maybe
sailor bii
2 and 3 sound like a lot of fun
Love Snake Kaja
2 would also likely have a few heists, but fewer than 3
sailor bii
I'm good with most heist percentages
I'm always a fan of 1,but it'd be pretty easy to mix in 3, and some Chaotic Concepts on top
Love Snake Kaja
Oh, yeah, I would be primarily running a campaign where, like, you're generally goodish folks (slightly shady/questionable rogues and the like still welcome) so, yeah, there would almost certainly be some 'solving people's problems' regardless.
Love Snake Kaja
It's just a matter of what the primary drive of the campaign is.
3 would definitely be fun
owl time
I do like a heist
If this game happens when my schedule is less jam packed I will be interested
Princess Emily
1 or 3 personally, though idk how much time I'd have for another game lol
Princess Emily
I have a DnD character on the backburner who'd be PERFECT for 3 though (an Investigator Rogue)
Pondering concepts of course.
Princess Emily
...wait I just remembered a second dnd character idea I had floating around that'd also be perfect for it,
a dryad librarian
Hypothetically speaking, I was also kinda leaning towards rogue
Not married to it but if the game happens and we both are players we might have to thumb wrestle for it
Of course I'm always a fan of Break The Balance mods like Gestalt but
Love Snake Kaja
NekoIncardine : since this would be my first time GMing a D&D campaign I would rather a relatively vanilla experience
Fair fair
Love Snake Kaja
Anyways I stayed developing concepts for 3 since it was overall the most popular idea
Love Snake Kaja
The Great Library of Yoren, self proclaimed greatest library in Faerun
You may be able to use some stuff from Candlekeep Mysteries
Love Snake Kaja
Yoren is a city-state heavily populated by orcs, goblins, bugbears, and the like though there's a very sizeable population of other species
Love Snake Kaja
The city itself is built into a city and has mostly stone architecture with plenty of gargoyles (mostly of the inanimate variety). It's almost a medieval brutalist look
Love Snake Kaja
The interiors however have a far warmer look
Love Snake Kaja
With lots of fabrics made from the wool of the local mountain goats
Love Snake Kaja
Richly colored
Love Snake Kaja
Elaborate patterned rugs and tapestries and such
Love Snake Kaja
Wool products are the city's biggest exports followed by stone and metals
Love Snake Kaja
The city is run by the clans, not all of which are family. You just need enough people to form a formal clan. For example the Library Clan runs most of the city's libraries
Love Snake Kaja
Each clan elects a chief and the chiefs elect the High Chief
Princess Emily
Snake-Kun : well, the Dryad Librarian concept would probably be a spellcaster, not the rogue, so ifwe both get in that'd just decide it for me
Love Snake Kaja
Anyways how's that outline of the city look?
Love Snake Kaja
Er the city is built into a mountain
that does make more sense
probably a reasonably high population of dwarves too
Love Snake Kaja
I typo'd that
Love Snake Kaja
Yeah dwarves make sense
Love Snake Kaja
Really any concept works, there are a good mix of folks
Historically, dwarves and goblins do not get along very well. In Yoren, dwarf and goblin scholars "fight" by writing pointed research papers calling each other out over the history of their conflict
Love Snake Kaja
There is a casual rivalry with Candlekeep and other places known for scholarship
oh i'm scary
I could work with 3...
Love Snake Kaja
But yeah there are multiple types of clans. Extended families, industrial associations, sufficiently large political groups are the main types. You can be in more than one clan but you can only vote in one
Love Snake Kaja
For example a clan was formed to represent some of the poorer folks in the city
Love Snake Kaja
It's the kind of city where you can see a gnoll barkeep pouring drinks for a draconian and her yuan-ti wife while a dwarf and goblin jokingly rib each other in the corner
Hmm. I have a couple seeds that can work.
Pity that Artificer is so... Well frankly kinda boring in 5e. Really, magic items as a whole, while the Main Play Useful stuff is still there, is short. I'd probably want to work with Kaja on some of that.
Love Snake Kaja
Some details of my Forgotten Realms:
Love Snake Kaja
First, a couple of name changes.
Love Snake Kaja
Golems are now called either animates or automations,
Love Snake Kaja
Phylateries are now soul containers.
Love Snake Kaja
Or soul box more casually.
Love Snake Kaja
Basically the thing Liches have is called that.
Love Snake Kaja
there might be other changes as I see fit
(The actual official lore changes, RE: Phylacteries)
(They are now called Soul Cages)
Love Snake Kaja
Love Snake Kaja
(It's a good term fix, yes)
Love Snake Kaja
Soul cages works.
Love Snake Kaja
It works.
(I'd go with Soul Jars but those are acctually a slightly different thing already so)
You basically had the same idea
owl time
Id like to be a Paladin for some sort of knowledge god
owl time
It is moral to participate in a heist to retrieve artifacts that are rightfully ours
owl time
I will be okay with the rogue looting in the process but we must leave a note stating that this is an overdue fine-
owl time
Orcish Paladin
owl time
Really into traditional orcish poetry
owl time
Simple poetry, yes. Convey true beauty of brutal, short world. Don't need long words for good poems.
owl time
I could also do fighter or barbarian, orc barbarian is classic and also a little funnier with the librarian angle
owl time
I see someone misshelving and go into a rage-
sailor bii
if it's a night I can do, I'm pretty much open to playing anything
A few hooks
1: Gnomish locksmith/jewler who learned to be a rogue because he felt his skills weren't being appreciated enough in his old line of work
2: Githyanki fighter who heard about Drizzt running away from his abusive and violent society and thought "What a splendid idea, I shall do so as well at the first chance" and is now kinda in hiding from angry Githyanki pirates (This is just my BG3 character concept but I liked it a lot)
sailor bii
there is an unfortunately large chance that species-wise I would want to play a drow again though because I'm a parody of myself
sailor bii
probably not a cleric or a rogue because my two current PCs are that
sailor bii
but otherwise open to filling other openings in the party
sailor bii
unless this is set before 1491, I'd likely use the civil war in Menzoberranzan from the Drizzt books and make the character one of the 2-3k drow who left the city for the surface in the aftermath
sailor bii
this might be a fun time to finally play a wizard though...
Hmm. I was looking at Fighter. I'm... Not much for how 5e eliminated every non divine healing option except Bard, until Artificer (previously not a healer) was added.
I like Arcane Archer Fighter a fair bit
sailor bii
if we still need a healer I can probably do a druid
sailor bii
that would let me keep my favorite beam spam
Very good beam spam
oh right I DID have another idea
3: Some kind of cleric but be all K6BD about it
And You Shall Know Them By The Star On Their Brow