You're Quinner
regarding stanley/narrator vs chell/glados: I think some new information clinches it
You're Quinner
In one sequence that didnt make the final game, players would arrive at the start of a new puzzle and see a candlelit roast beef sitting on the table, prepared by GLaDOS.
You're Quinner
Coming closer you realise the roast beef is ice-cold, and then hear GLaDOS chastising you for missing dinner because you were too busy cheating on her with a personality sphere.
You're Quinner
You're Quinner
I think chell/glados is gayer
Where Is Harkan
Honestly I do too
iirc still alive was written as a breakup song too
Niamh Vibes
this is the power of yuri
Where Is Harkan
Also there is far more difference between Chell and the Player than there is between Stanley on the Player