Mmw Strangelove
Have you ever built a snowman? When was the last time?
Too long ago
never.. and i really would love to
i was just talking about that the other day with a friend :-)
Izzie Bizzie
the last time was in winter 2019 and i built a snow cat as kid i used to build snowmen all the time
Izzie Bizzie : I love it!
Oxygen Venus
Oxygen Venus
I wanna make a snow woman someday
The snow is usually too dry here to make them, but when I was young, during the first snowfalls of the winter, we’d go out at recess or lunch and make really big ones in the school field :-)
I grew up in Alaska, so yeah built a lot of stuff. Not for many many years. If we get any snow I might get all Calvin and do some building.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
I actually made one with Yak I think it was 2010 or 2011. We didn’t have a lot of snow so it was small and very sad looking. My best one was honestly when I was a kid. Just after the dinosaurs became extinct.
a really long time ago. the snow where i live has been so wet its not packable.
Nimil : We need to get my snow together with your snow
Free Star🌟💫🔥
dkronfeld : that’s where snow babies come from you know. LOL
Dakota Revolver
um when I was a little kid? I grew up in wet winter and now that i live in snow/cold winter we don't get that much snow.
It’s been a few years- whenever atl last got snow
It’s been a long time. We haven’t had the right kind of snow for years. Probably since 2005-6. There was drama with the neighbor’s kids stomping my daughter’s snowman. ⛄️
Must've been when the kids were little, out in the yard. A good long while back!
Mmw Strangelove
We almost never got enough snow in England and have only had ice storms since I got to NC. It’s been forever for me.
Mmw Strangelove
My grandma lived by a flooded and frozen field and we used to walk down the hill and ice skate. They let us skate under a full moon once, and that’s a favorite memory. Just the ice and the stars.
Mmw Strangelove
☆꧁Snow꧂☆ : those little shits 😂
Mmw Strangelove
Free Star🌟💫🔥 : I saw some kids gleefully making a snowman in the Lake District once. It was like one hand high and they were practically dancing with excitement. It was so funny and British and cute.
Mmw Strangelove
Izzie Bizzie : cutest snow monster ever
Free Star🌟💫🔥
It’s really fun to watch people ice skating on the canals here. Plus they flood the football (soccer) field in the winter and it makes a lovely ice skating rink!
Mmw Strangelove
Free Star🌟💫🔥 : oh, canal skating sounds like so much fun. Nobody will go with me now and I don’t have insurance and fear twisting things. But I miss it.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Last time I skated was in Central Park with my first husband (then boyfriend) and I fell and badly broke my right wrist. It was set wrong so when I went to the specialist he had to reset it again. That was more painful. I still don’t have full ROM in that wrist either. Moral of the story. Star don’t ice skate in FL! LOL
Mmw Strangelove
That's the kind of stuff I can't afford. But I do love to skate. I can't do tricks or anything but I like the speed and the motion of it. The sound of the blades. It's all so nice.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Skating there isn’t expensive if you’re in the city anyway. Just regular skate rental prices and a small admission fee. We were broke college students do it couldn’t have been much.
The expensive part is what it costs to put broken things like bones back together
Free Star🌟💫🔥
dkronfeld : yes that’s true. Fortunately I was still on my dad’s insurance so it was free for me. Not pain free but financially free.
I think we made one in New Jersey some time between 2001 and 2004. Before that, we definitely made plenty in New York when I was a kid (we moved to CA in 1985 when I was 9, so before then).
Free Star🌟💫🔥 : Ok, now I'm extra jealous of you because all I want to do is go ice skating. I'd probably have an easier time finding someone in The Netherlands.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
☆꧁Snow꧂☆ : actually not. Most of the skating here is on natural ice, canals, ponds etc. It hasn’t been cold enough for any of that. Last year neither.