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[family health] mute at will, I never fault anyone for that; I need to do it too sometimes :*

it's been a while since I made one of these and there was a small update today. TLDR: stepfather won't be home before the new year
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it's been, I guess just over 2 weeks since he got discharged out of the hospital (after going in a couple days before Thanksgiving) and to a rehab facility
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yesterday's cardiology appt was useless. today was with the wound doctor and apparently the doc is happy with how things are looking post-surgery and how the wound on the back of his heel is filling in

next appt will be Jan 3rd (unless something changes) so he'll at least be at the rehab place until then
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for a while it seemed like he was only going to be in maybe 20 days max but my mom dug into things more and talked to insurance, and since he's got all the necessary paperwork from the physician they'll cover up to 100 days. which is a relief
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I mean he's in zero condition to go anywhere. even though this place is actually good and they do physical therapy with him daily, way more than the place after the last stay did, he still can't lift himself up out of a chair, can't get to the bathroom, etc. aside from the fact he's non-weight bearing on his left foot for likely a couple months yet
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but there was a while where it seemed like we were going to have to figure some kind of magic out because there is definitely no spare money lying around - especially after he fucked her credit this year - to cover him staying anywhere without insurance
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I'm hoping that maybe the stress vibes will go down a little in the house and I'll stop feeling how I have the last several days. didn't think I was getting stressed again but with the sharp unexpected uptick in work and then everything else it all kinda started weighing on me again
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I still would just like this all to be over with already (I mean fuck, it's been like a year and a half now of persistent stress and bad vibes of varying levels in the house) but I'll settle for at least not having him here on my week off from work
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my sister's coming up Friday after she gets off work; it's just going to be her coming up for the weekend, and she has to work Tues so she'll be driving back on Christmas. but they weren't going to be able to come up until probably late Jan and she wanted to surprise our mom by coming up for Christmas
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so maybe next week I will actually be able to chill a bit? idk
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I've already decided either in Jan or Feb I'm taking a week off. I hate having to blow a chunk of PTO so early in the year but if the end of the year would quit giving me burnout and/or stressing me the fuck out, then I wouldn't need to take the time as soon as I can get it -.-
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anyway yeah I just. idk. glad he's not here but would like it more if his shit didn't have my mom so stressed to where I get to worry about her health (and of course we're at the point now where her back is starting to bug her because she's been lugging so much around going to see him daily)
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with everything the past several months it's gotten to where I'm having to check in to make sure she didn't forget her pills, or check for bills needing to go out (I had to swoop in and pay the internet myself today because she forgot when that needed to be mailed and it was due tomorrow -.- )
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and I hate that work kicked up enough with me doing this special thing that I'm feeling low level burnout and physically feeling the overall stress more than I used to
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all the money uncertainty and her being stressed and agitated is taking me back to teenage years and no thank you
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I suppose icing on the shit cake would be if my father remembered I exist this year and texts me around Christmas. reallllllllllly hoping that will not be the case
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it's been something like 16 or 18 months since I've heard from him, I'd love for that streak to continue
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anyway I think that about covers the current state of the trashfire, lol
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some day this stress will at least get cut in half. surely
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our situations might be different but i understand wanting things to just be... LESS. i hope that comes true for you.
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yeaaah, Less would definitely be progress