"You are receiving this email because you received Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) benefits in 2023. The Department of Family and Medical Leave (DFML) will be issuing 1099-G tax forms to all claimants who received Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) benefits in 2023.
The IRS has not yet made a ruling on whether your Massachusetts PFML benefits are considered “taxable income.” We are issuing a 1099-G form in the event that you need this information for filing your 2023 tax return. "
I received $3600 for the month I was out (around 80% of my OG salary of 4400 after taxes). Thing is that I have no idea if I checked the box "pls take money out automatically". I THINK I DID (I sure hope I did), it would be something I would do BUT I DON'T KNOW.
The one time we actually owed taxes to the feds was the year my spouse first went on Unemployment Benefits and he didn't check the withhold box and we end up owing like $1800. I was so pissed for a couple of hours until I calmed down. (Fortunately we had the money)
how the fuck does the IRS not know yet, you idiots have 10 days to decide