I should get over my zombie allergy and watch zom 100
Dragons Dragons
oh did that finally finish after all the production delays
Dragons Dragons
i ought to check that out too
misty bloom
it's really fucking good
misty bloom
they're about the release the last few episodes, yeah
misty bloom
fair warning that a lot of the first episode is very bleak, but in a "god damn dude your life fucking sucks" way and not a "bad zombie fiction" way
I know the basic premise
I just burned out on zombies so unbelievably hard that I have refused to touch them for years
basically since... hang on
July 22, 2014
figuring out what happened on that day is left as an exercise for the reader
I think I figured it out and yeah fair
misty bloom
also the finished op doesn't show up until around 8 episodes in, which i was also incredibly disappointed by since that's what hooked me