and there was also another time when she was talking about the plant monster and said something about how it attacked her when she was just trying to talk to Noel but she kind of. forgot the bit where she provoked it pretty hard
And honestly like, even a few years ago I don't think I would have had the confidence to try playing Ethlyn to like... the full extent of trying to show how her flaws work and how they helped to get her killed, so it also makes me feel like I've Leveled Up as an RPer because I'm willing to put more character conflict out there in my threds
13. Favorite headcanon.... I think it's the ones that arise around the fact that her mother died when she was young and she had to become the lady of the house
It's one line about how she had to get her brother and father to stop being slobs but it's an iceberg line because she was probably like, 12 and trying to manage a whole-ass DUKE and his HEIR who were in the throes of grief
and she was also! presumably in the throes of grief! but she wound up rolling up her sleeves and pushing and shoving them into resuming the normal standards of dress and behavior and ettiquette that was expected of them
1. I think one of my favorite things about writing Ethlyn is when I get to let her fatal flaws show! In both big ways and subtle ways