I finished a quilt top today for a D&D friend whose wife is expecting. That makes two done!
He doesn't know I've made them. This is going to be a big surprise for the two of them. But he has been posting pictures of his nursery to the group, and they went with a dinosaur theme.
So what did I do but buy some dino fabric.
https://images.plurk.com/2NhBQBiJ7XyrkcJVuTDdM9.jpg First quilt.
https://images.plurk.com/16YRtuljJ7LPWJFviFz8oQ.jpg Second quilt.
Both of them still need backing, but the tops are done!
Bog Witch
I love the colour scheme with those prints.
I like it, too. I worry that it might be a little plain for a baby, but it might be restful, idk.
https://images.plurk.com/4NJBXc4dmDyeXt3ang6hYR.jpg https://images.plurk.com/72TtAxP8uAlFf1NOJ6TzEI.jpg Closer up to see the prints better.