To those mourning, be gentle with yourselves today. Grieve how you need to, but please don't forget to rest. Stay hydrated, and take your meds if you need to. (This is not me telling you Do The Thing, but I know reminders help me)
This is a harsh season for a lot of us, and many of us have lost someone recently, so be kind to yourself, let it wash over you. We're here if you need us, but if you need a break, take one
Go rest if you need rest. Eat if you're hungry. It's okay.
I'm still not online much because I'm also grieving, but if you need me, I'm here, and I'm on discord. I might be slow to reply but I'll listen
My discord is ziri_o
Stay safe, starshines.
🍉 catipede
bean check
Thank you for being kind to yourself as well as sharing that kindness with others. I'm also here if you need anything.
I'm just doing my best thanks for being patient with me