game with romance options where instead of building up ten social link hearts by being nice to a platonic npc for a slow-burn over time, you can romance everyone off the bat and then proceed to fuck it up with your actions.
i know it doesn't fit the shape of "level-up-level-up-level-up-DING" of most long-term mechanics in games, but it'd be rad if there was that slightly more realistic angle where if you make a good first impression on a character they're down to start dating immediately but it MIGHT END POORLY
Honestly though, let games be mean to the player lmao.
🙀sᴄᴀʀᴇDᴇᴇ Cᴀᴛ🙀
That would be excellent
Hell yes.
Rue : f'real! i think my biggest qualm with romance mechanics in games that aren't dating sims is how much it seems designed to make the player's fantasy come true? in a way that doesn't even work as "wow, the fact i got to build a rapport with that cool npc and we got to smooch and it just made the victory all the more gratifying"
I feel like this would partner nicely with my longstanding concept of a “hating sim” which involved, intentionally or otherwise, getting characters to dislike you (though I couldn’t figure out a solid ‘why’ so I never really did much with it)
it works like "I GOTTA FIND AN FAQ TO SMOOCH MY FAV" or rage-threads about "the one i WANNA smooch ISN'T PROGRAMMED TO BE SMOOCHABLE"
or, just, in general, the disappointment of seeing so much effort made to pander to some players with a system that doesn't really offer any thing of interest for you (which, as a homosexual, i admit is something i have yet to experience, but i try to be empathetic 😔)
SWEET POTATO : lmao oh my god

there is definitely something there carrie
also, like, i remember potionomics, which i've seen some people play, but it was the first time where i kinda couldn't settle on romance options if i ever played myself

do i go mint, who i big-time ship sylvia with?
or do i go quinn, who i personally want to date?
can we ever detangle romance mechanics from being for players' vicarious gratification?

like, imagine the absolute shit show relationships travis touchdown could have gotten into over the course of no more heroes. glory be.
imagine him walking into a boss room and he starts getting furious texts from his current main squeeze asking what in god's name he has done to her kitchen, did you try to fry chimichangas in my muffin tin? using my roommate's truffle oil?*
The Raƶe
Give me a romance sim where it can actually turn out poorly, to make the successes all that more gratifying… alternatively, to make things that more disastrous/hilarious when you fail.

Also, give me roguelike elements to make things fresh and exciting.