Mmw Strangelove once upon a time in December, the river burst its banks, and the cell tower flooded and exploded. For ten days, nobody could get in or out of town, and there was no power, or phones. Some mom and pop food stores opened as cash-only. This is the line to use the only working ATM in town. Be prepared! You never know.
Always be prepared with cash on hand in a safe place at home.
Mmw Strangelove
ChefKarl : Food too, because without power, everything cold is unsellable within a day or so. There's nothing to buy even if you have the money. My grocery store here gave away all their bread and then closed for the duration.
Yes, I have lived with earthquakes all my life and always prepared for 3-5 days without power or services. I am a little lacking here since we don't have big quakes.