20230305-1 Life's like a love song 20230305-2 Life's like a love song-2 20230308-3 Life's like a love song-3 20230312-4 Life's like a love song-4 20230321-5 Life's like a love song-5 end 20230330 Sense of life 短篇集-01 (捧花與押花)
20230402 The Moon Is Beautiful, Isn’t It? 20230405 Sense of life 短篇集-02 (盤上的帕芙洛娃蛋糕) 20230411 Sense of life 短篇集-03 (蜜糖番薯) 20230422-Ears of wheat 01 20230427-Ears of wheat 02
20230516-Sense of life 短篇集-04 (糖果與肉拼盤?) 20230525-Sense of life 短篇集-05 (雲朵棉花糖) 20230525-Sense of life 短篇集-06 (星) 20230526-(手機草稿)篇名未定
20230221 (草稿) Profiterole
20230305-1 Life's like a love song
20230305-2 Life's like a love song-2
20230308-3 Life's like a love song-3
20230312-4 Life's like a love song-4
20230321-5 Life's like a love song-5 end
20230330 Sense of life 短篇集-01 (捧花與押花)
20230402 The Moon Is Beautiful, Isn’t It?
20230405 Sense of life 短篇集-02 (盤上的帕芙洛娃蛋糕)
20230411 Sense of life 短篇集-03 (蜜糖番薯)
20230422-Ears of wheat 01
20230427-Ears of wheat 02
20230516-Sense of life 短篇集-04 (糖果與肉拼盤?)
20230525-Sense of life 短篇集-05 (雲朵棉花糖)
20230525-Sense of life 短篇集-06 (星)
20230601 Ears of wheat 03
20230602 Ears of wheat 04
20230607 Sense of life 短篇集-07 (提拉米蘇 )
20230610 Ears of wheat 05 (Starry Night)
20230616 Sense of life 短篇集-08 (餘熱)
20230622 Sense of life 短篇集-09 (膽小鬼與蓬鬆蓬鬆的愛情)
20230625-Ears of wheat 06 (Like a Candy Day) end
20230716-Love is merely a madness
20230722-Emotional discord
20230725-(初稿) Let life be beautiful like summer flowers
20230803-(備案) Can you hear me?
20230804-Can you hear me?
20230821-Sense of life 短篇集-10 (煙燻火腿?)
20230906-Spoil me, love me, feed me, don't abandon me
20330929-(草稿) Perseus
20231017-Under the moon (plurk only 1/2)
20231014-(草稿進度3/7) On a Good Day, Departure to the West.
20231120 Beneath the winter snow
20231126 (手機草稿) 篇名未定
20231211-Sense of life 短篇集-12 (漿果)
20231213-幸福論 (2700字)
希望年底前能再完成一篇許願池跟一篇Sense of life 短篇集。
寫故事常常希望能再完整點,先寫完結局再說。雖然也想印實體書自留,但最早部分一定需要修的都沒動ry +選擇收錄有點困難,然後東西又塞就更難選收錄了。
在冷坑裡堅持10個月,終於等到不用努力就有糧吃了超級多 太猛了,這種毅力不得了
12/13 update -