my daughter made dinner as an assignment for her health class and her feet hurt and I'm like, I do this every day, and she's like, but I hyper-extend my knees so I hurt more. Kid, so do I.
yeah, sorry. welcome to adulthood.
hah! reality sinking in
Free Star🌟💫🔥
“I’m your mother and I hurt more because I’m older and I pushed you out my body like you were a bowling ball inside me. I hurt more. Period. End of discussion. Ok, now how can we help you not hurt so much? How’s dinner going? Is it done yet?”
my husband was nice and did the dishes for her
hyper-extend the knees? :-o
Sometimes Bacon
reminds me of when my kid had a full time job during the summer and he was like, working for 8 hours a day sucks. how do people do this for years?