i think it’s rlly funny how many people are like JUST A REMINDER NICOLAS IS PANSEXUAL as a defense against any criticism of him calling dream a faggot like i think that’s rlly hilarious
he used it as a slur
okay but y is he and dream in car like wtf
yea it was def bad. i don't get why people use it as a means to make dream better, since the stuff they did was on majorly different levels, but still, he did do that and it wasn't a good thing
i do t really care that he said it personally i just think the justification is funny
i personally think people get too used to saying that stuff. if said in private there's no problem but when it's so public you're hurting someone more often than not. the reason is kinda irrelevant and people justifying it are hyper-crazy
like i think life would just be better if like. ppl were honest ab how they feel ab these things instead of playing this absurd game of like morality as social capital . like i hate dream because he’s fucking annoying and bc i think he’s fucking annoying i giggled when that guy was an asshole to him
it is all so dishonest i feel strongly that many ppl feel how i do but like compulsively need to justify it w some like grand moral plot line like maybe him being annoying as fuxk is just enough
that's fair. my viewpoint changes sometimes like any other human's and i like the dude very much but it would be hypocritical of me to defend him in every aspect just because i dislike the other dude more, so i try to see everything in its whole (impossible on social media, it's entirely biased). that said i hope dream dies and goes to hell
like that girl ik who said she’s boycotting the hunger games movie because rachel zegler was “rude to ppl” JUST SAY YOU FIND HER ANNOYING. ITS WNOUGH
i hope he dies and goes to hell too ❤️
i hate that "boycotting" is prob just staying home. Not wanting to support someone is perfectly valid if u find them annoying you don't need buzzwords!!!
Tbh I fully truly believe that if what you say is really funny you can say slurs like Nicolas was spitting in that car it was hilarious
so real
my moral compass withers away to dust when dream gets called a slur