my teen is sending me tiktoks to explain why she is boycotting Starbucks and I just feel like a parent. I'm like, can't I just be on the side of not killing babies? like that applies to both Hamas and the Netanyahu govt. I'm also proud that she has her own views but also tired.
Chestnut : oh, that's different than what she sent me - which was the small union issued a statement in support of Palestinians and then corporate was basically like, omfg, no we don't like that, and now we are suing the union for using our imagery.
I told her honestly that I didn't think consumer boycotts were that effective
and to write her reps and she told me she can't vote but I told her she can write letters and she asked me if I had done that
because teenagers.
I actually love when young people are paying attention and taking a stand. It is a learning process and activism is great
I honestly don't go to starbucks very often, I don't love their coffee compared to my local coffeeshops but she loves a sugary starbucks drink '
oh yes, I appreciate her activism, it's just that it seems like her activism has a lot of me doing stuff and less of her doing stuff and more of her lecturing me. Honestly everything is my fault right now, I get that it's the age, but nearly every conversation with her gets argumentative in a new fun way.
Sounds like a teenager! :-)