Heyyo, it's Jiyu! I hate to do this, but we are very low on funds atm and my mom is going to be out of work for the next week due to knee surgery. We're taking donations for groceries atm! Any little bit would help. Thanks!

Paypal: jane.sitton.logan@gmail.com
🍉 catipede
🍉 catipede
hey can you @ me on monday? i might have something
🍉 catipede
originbullets: I wish I could do something for you rn but I'm also in deep strides
🍉 catipede
do you art or something like that that I can boost as well??
🍉 catipede
originbullets: that'd be a good idea! I know those sell in dwrp I think!
gnarly brown
here's a bump for you, wish i could help more than that ;;
commenting to boost