Tickle follows me around frantically like a cat who is more accustomed to starving instead of living with us almost all of her life. So then, I can’t find her this morning. I’ve opened all the doors. I can’t figure out where she is...I guess just sleeping somewhere
And she was locked in the master bedroom here she is
She must have been hidden in the sliding door blinds watching the birbs. We have sliding doors basically all along one side of the house. And she loves to look outside
I love that you have such a cool house, and in Florida to boot. Our places are so different. Also I love Tickle. She's exactly what I am looking for. Such a pretty girl.
We need to unpack and get “our”’stuff in place. We are getting more
Used to our house but it’s sorta not home if that makes sense.
I mean I love it. It’s so much nicer than we had. And all these windows- it was my dream when we lived in GA and only had pokey little windows
NewYearSameMe it’s raining and foggy this morning
They built that house right up to our property line- assholes
that place is fucking awesome. Not the people next door though. Fuck those people.
I really really loved Florida when I was there, multiple times, including that Grehound ride from Tampa to PCB, that was a real treat. (not really but still) It all showed me a really different place and climate and people and attitude, and smells and foods. Totally different and so cool.
It’s a different vibe here than where we used to live in FL- we lived in Tampa and it was so Cuban/Spanish culturally, lots of history. Not so culturally defined here. Lots of retirees from different places. Nice though.
We need to go to the beach more. We live insanely
Close and even by like twice maybe
NewYearSameMe : I'm the same; I live so close, the beach is literally down the road from me about 5 minutes, and I bloody WORK at the beach but I still don't give myself beach time. I LOVED being at the beach in Florida, but maybe it was because it's 'vacation beach' and not 'I live here beach'. Weird.
are you still using the pool? man I’d be in there every day
Tuna Skunk
Too cold
Tuna Skunk
No heater
Zero lot line is so Florida Developer.
Tuna Skunk