potato boyo
Fans of Connections, rejoice! Rebooted classic sci-d...

this is some of the best news you'll hear all day. not the best, hopefully, but it is up there.
potato boyo
ps - if you see a YouTuber pushing a "Nebula" subscription for cheap, that (usually?) includes Curiosity Stream
potato boyo
I love me some James Burke.
Mmw Strangelove
That sounds like such a fun show
Ohhhh! I looooooved Connections. I remember sitting in bed late at night watching it on PBS (I think).
potato boyo
Archive dot Org apparently has the original series
Lucy Stephanie
(thinking) Never heard of it before...
potato boyo
Lucy Stephanie : It's a kind of documentary series, but it is presented in the most fascinating way, connecting the unseen dots of how science and society have progressed together, seemingly at random.