witch people
OH THESE ARE SO CUTE ..... 8, 9, 14, 18, 44, 66! :>
witch people
𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫. : yeah, they're kinda neat! :-D

8. Tentatively TV shows? I dunno, it really depends on my mood, but I'm definitely more likely to watch new tv than movies for some reason.
9. Air conditioning. Actually I just kinda have an awful sense of smell and try to avoid going outside in the summer, so nothing's coming to mind.
witch people
14. Skittles! I can eat so many packs of skittles given the opportunity.
18. Snoooooow or just anything cold, I'm still rejoicing in cold weather after spending over 15 years in Florida.
44. Probably lavender
witch people
66. I really like night-blooming flowers -- there used to be a big cactus thing outside my family's place that bloomed at night like once a year and oh man was it pretty. And the white whispy dandelions.
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1, 12, 20!!
witch people
ꪖ᥅ꪻ ꪀꪮꪊꪜꫀꪖꪊ :
1. Coffee muuuuugs. I actually collect them, kinda. a lot of mine have broken between multiple moves and careless brothers, but they're my go-to souvenir. Also they just feel sturdier and like they don't knock over as easily, and I am clumsy. XD (I also have a water bottle 99% of the time because it's easier, though.)
witch people
12. GOD picking a favorite playlist is the hard part of this. XD the name of the one I've been feeling lately is very plain, just the names of the artists: "Doubleclicks, MM, DVN, BB, +". I also come back pretty regularly to my Diego Hargreeves writing playlist, which is "you might as well be proud of it"
witch people
20. I really like writing longhand in theory -- I filled SO many notebooks when I was younger. But my hands suck these days, so in practice, 100% laptops.
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coffee mug sibling~
ꪖ᥅ꪻ ꪀꪮꪊꪜꫀꪖꪊ
and i feel the pain on picking a favourite playlist, lol.
witch people
it depends on mood and day and situation, there can never be only one. XD and YES, mug buddies!
witch people
I just picked up a Nightmare Before Christmas one two weeks ago and it's pretty much all I've drunk out of lately.
ꪖ᥅ꪻ ꪀꪮꪊꪜꫀꪖꪊ
i have a biiiiiig one shaped like an owl that my gf gave me. it is my treasure and i always always use it.
witch people
ooooooh nice :-D I used to have some shaped ones but alas those were the first to break when they were in storage for a while, because we packed hastily.
ꪖ᥅ꪻ ꪀꪮꪊꪜꫀꪖꪊ
i could imagine, they don't take much throwing around. sorry about that. but good you have a nice one rn!
witch people
yessssss -- and a few of my old ones survived, or only have the handle chipped off which means they're still usable, i just went down to about 5.