Year of the Cat
Put up a new character on the TDM! This is Cooper from the obscure book series Agent of Hel!
Year of the Cat
He's an immortal, permanently stuck at the age of seventeen ghoul, which means he's basically an emotion-eating vampire.
Year of the Cat
He's very charming. Like to the point where the main character says he's the ghoul she trusts most like a chapter after she meets him. And this after she'd just been betrayed by another ghoul a few months before.
Year of the Cat
Fortunately, he really is that loyal and trustworthy to his friends, even if he has a LOT of trouble knowing his own limitations. And occasionally falling into depression since the author really did a good job deconstructing the usual "immortal teenager" trope with him. He's a sad old man in a teenage body sometimes.
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Year of the Cat