當年太小,現在看到中東/中亞某獨裁國家有毀滅性武器,聯合國(whatever coded name it was in the story) 被世界強權壓著集體出兵去獨裁國家地毯式搜索+推翻該國政府。立刻知道浦澤在影射什麼。加上沒有真正好的角色成長,讓整個故事立刻變成時代感奇重的影射作品。甚至讓人懷疑,這真的適合作為小金剛的改編嗎?
我一定要吐槽普魯托是沙地綠化系統這個設定,實在是太功利了,天啊怎麼會這麽粗。he is supposed to create life, not destroying it. If the story gave us a much larger arc for Pluto, it might work. But all we got was a revealing plot with barely any meaningful character development. It is pure manipulation. It is child level story setting without any decoration.