Wayward Haze
/ DP but day chatter and art progress stuff and rambling. (cw: mild body mod/gore sfx, possibly uncanny valley-ish)
Wayward Haze
https://images.plurk.com/4UcRUut3DMzbsmvhaZOW1Y.jpg HEY PALS IT'S FACEBONES
Wayward Haze
Only one eye is done and I'm taking a breakfast break. But
Wayward Haze
This dumb cheap skull came from Goodwill for this purpose over a month ago and today I woke up after a really crappy night and said screw it
Wayward Haze
https://images.plurk.com/4HZSKpCZdtIUUhHjhQ7q1D.jpg Trying to figure out the horns ... probably gonna make em foil first, superglue that, then cover
Wayward Haze
Meanwhile DID YOU KNOW tiramisu yogurt exists?
Wayward Haze
Dannon makes it and it's amazing
Yale Sale →
One, incredible skull-based craft idea
Yale Sale →
Two, tiramisu yogurt you say...
Yale Sale →
Wayward Haze
YEP if you like Greek yogurt it's their light and fit Greek kind, I found it at Walmart
Wayward Haze
https://images.plurk.com/11o8OOjY64JsiLTECFxUvk.jpg Horn prooogreeeeeessss
Wayward Haze
Turns out the E6000 did not like "tinfoil on plastic" as a combo so the clay is straight up holding the horns on
Wayward Haze
once that dries I'm going to "paint" around the horn bases with glue to really make sure they stay, and then the paint will go over that and get a gloss coat so it matches the sheen of the skull
Wayward Haze
But I can only do a few horns at a time without fucking up adjacent ones, so he's gonna take a bit
Wayward Haze
His jaw moves, so I'm gonna rig a rubber band in it for bonus hand puppet functionality
Wayward Haze
not a bumblebee
Wayward Haze
Rubber band idea does not work as expected, I will NOT go down a Google hole trying to learn puppet jaw mechanics
Wayward Haze
I will finish the damn sculpt first
He’s looking great so far
For the big horns you MAY be able to get away with like. A foam clay over foil and then gluing them on
I love foam clay that shit is way better to work with than I was expecting
Wayward Haze
This here is air-dry and so far it's pulling its weight
Wayward Haze
I just need to shore up the back of one horn, only because it was too thin and cracked when it dried
Foam clay also has the benefit of being very light.
The only issue I have with it is it doesn’t hold detail super well? About as good as soft sculpey
But plenty for facebones horns
Wayward Haze
Awesome! Yeah, the air clay is somewhere between that and regular sculpey
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
This stuff. Lore got it to fill cracks in a broken statue my MIL had them fix
Oh yeah that stuff is great