i mean all knights tales are the same in the end thats the whole bit of chaucer's canterbury tales, they tease and also explain the role of each popularized archetype across fiction in his poems, but i'm charmed as ever by ledger in particular
mr argalia will get my special attention too im glad hes lowkey rn don really is a handful and a half by herself but i think i've got some good reasons for her to be a little more at ease the second half of october. not at ease as in relaxing but at ease as in she won't be jumping into things, i think
nothing would make gebura happier slightly less grumpy than to have every other person who works in the bookstore solve their goddamn romantic problems
look as long as it doesn't distract from work that's fine. the second it does she'll ask gebura to put the problem children in a closet to work things out or whatever
the bookstore is so fun its like the bus all over except theres no one who are obviously into each other like. oh my god who are dons headcanon romances hold on
this plurk got too big with don again. havin fun with my few argalia threads rn i'll get him more involved but i forgot how pleasant it was to play bastards who act very nice
I WAS GONNA ASK IF YOU WANTED ME TO GO INTO HIS INBOX BECAUSE I WAS LIKE I CANT DO THIS HERE BUT ALSO. holds my head. fearnes inbox is such a fucking mess i'm
argalia to fearne: notes dont sound as sweet as when my sister played (piano) argalia to tsuruno: i have a surgeon friend who would do numbers in carving pumpkins
now back to here i cannot wait for this to get out more i want! her to be right about people falling out with her! i want! her to be wrong and realize that it isn't the end of the world! i want! her to be okay and understand that she is a person with desires and those desires can lead roads paved with good intentions but in the words of her nemesis kromer
she's been told that before when she pulled her death match thing too actually but it was easy to brush it off cause she was soooooo definitely doing it not for her but for one person and that is never getting out either
maybe just to complete her librarian cr that knows about her experience with memory updates she'll just call gebura depending how this thread with yesod goes and ask for a fight so she can be punished
love is all about the bookstore
SHE'S STILL NOT WRONG IS THE THINGhappierslightly less grumpy than to have every other person who works in the bookstore solve their goddamn romantic problemsargalia to tsuruno: i have a surgeon friend who would do numbers in carving pumpkins