Good old Penny! Yeah that can be nice in a playthrough, maybe I should watch some of her first Frontiers video sometime. Frontiers itself has been somewhere on my maybe list
: Her excitement and love of the franchise is just so wholesome and good. It's just positive fun vibes all around and I can't stop smiling any time she squeaks or laughs.
Like, even if she has gripes with the game, she is still like... nice about it? Or comes off in a very mature way like "yeah, this mechanic is janky and needs fine-tuning, but I'm still having a blast."
Yeah!! I like it when streamers go into a new game like this, from a franchise that has been...nnnnot the best with an open mind and don't immediately just dunk on it
Or who can find enjoyment in it despite the flaws. Kind of like the multitude of issues with Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, many people still had fun with the games, myself included.
Salty Lemons ๐
: THEY ARE, IT'S SO FUNNY AND I JUST LOVE HER ENERGY SO MUCH. she also has the best sense of humor ever, i have been cry laughing at some of the jokes she's making in this stream
Sonic Team really said: in the name of the Moon, I will punish you.
- Penny Snapcube, 2023