Continuing Doctor Who - the Doctor, Amy, Rory, and Amy and Rory's best friend Mels who was never mentioned before are going back in time to kill Hitler!

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus - Kick It Trophy / A...

...they're probably not going to kill Hitler.
I'm guessing that Mels is a past regeneration of River, given the "previously on" focused on River's past pretty heavily.
Though if that's the case, then her entire existence is a time paradox since she caused Amy and Rory to get together in the first place, leading to her own birth.
Given what I know about Rasputin in Dr. Who, I find it funny that these aliens impersonated the Master. (Either that, or Rasputin was really unlucky and got impersonated twice)
Though I know that the Master wasn't planned to be Rasputin when this was made.
"You will experience a tingling sensation and then death." XD
It's bizarre to establish that someone with the Doctor (presumably Mels, since they say "it's her") is considered in-universe to be a bigger war criminal than Hitler.
Okay, so Mels is River.
So Time Lords can control their regeneration to some extent? (River made a comment on focusing on her dress size - I assume the Doctor just goes with "random")
Not sure what jodhpurs are.
"There must be someone left in the universe that I haven't screwed up yet!" :-(
I know other people have said "Doctor who?" before, but this is the first time I've heard the Doctor say it.
I figured this would be when River learns the Doctor's name, but going by her reaction, I'm not sure if that's what he said.
Next episode looks like it'll be jumpscare heavy, going by the preview.
Yeah... I feel like this was around the time Moffat was starting to wind down in some of his creativity.
Is that because of the River thing, or because of something else?
Thinking about it, I like how they're taking the time to set up how the Doctor survives rather than it being a Deus Ex Machina - the Doctor knows when, where, and how he dies, he has access to a time machine (and he's 200 years older when he dies, unless he was lying), and this season has introduced multiple ways to copy yourself.
Between the Flesh and the Justice Department robot, though I can't remember if the Flesh immediately turns to goo when it dies or not.
As for Night Terrors, it's creepy/unsettling, but not as jumpscare-heavy as I expected based on the previews.
I can already tell from the cold open that this next episode (The Girl Who Waited) is going to be anxiety-inducing.
Given the events of this episode, I wouldn't be surprised if Rory and Amy stop traveling with the Doctor by the end of the season.
Going by the Doctor's reaction, he's giving them false hope that Amy and Future Amy can both survive. (He shook his head no when Future Amy wanted to be brought along too, despite giving some technobabble and claiming it was possible)
Also, the TARDIS is kind of exploding just because the two Amys are near each other.
That was a sad one.

Next episode looks like it's inspired by The Shining, with some Weeping Angels thrown in for good measure.
Might take a break, though.
Watching an interview with Lalla Ward on the 4th Doctor's box set, and they had some fun when she's talking about filming with blue screens where they can put all sorts of things behind you.