The urge to keep inserting into your tags "this is my character being weird, not me making an OOC mistake"
Rinku using -chan with adults and otherwise treating them like peers is a big one. I swear I'm not lowballing your character ages, she's just like that...
Oldest Dream
Things that got a mod team mad at me: not doing that
I feel that, I always make sure to make a note when my character misconstrues something just so the other person knows I get it, my character just doesn't
yeah, there's always that risk D:
I also did that a lot with Mai, just pointing out that her not using honorifics except for animals is an in-character thing, because the translation convention to remove all honorifics is popular enough that people might not think it's the character being weird.
🐍 mamushi 🐍
I feel like this would be something for a permissions/info post, do you have one of those for her?
Be Maki-Mine🎆
Oldest Dream : handshake emoji good gosh
Oldest Dream
🐍 mamushi 🐍 : I do have a permissions post for her 4th-wall breaking.
🐍 mamushi 🐍
if she's in a game possibly pop the info about her "doing things wrong" on her permissions or info post?
lol I mean that's more of a character quirk than something you'd need permissions for I feel like
An info post could be a good place to make note of it but ime people don’t always read those anyway
That said this sounds like so minor a thing it’s probably fine. If a character’s going to be bothered by it they’d be icly bothered even with an ooc explanation and most people are aware that when dealing with anime characters some are just weird with their honorifics
I totally get wanting to comment about it in your tags though that’s why I constantly have bracket text like “no [my character’s name] you’re just being a dumbass” as both a goof and an indicator
yeah, pretty much