Update // we're booked officially formally paid for - and everyone is fed up to death
Edit: Legally she can't cancel just because he's a service dog BUT I WANTED TO AVOID THIS ALTOGETHER And I want to kill some of my family Edit 2: everything is okay T_T except the house it's bad D:
Kyle spent 4 hours trying to help her and losing his fucking mind which yeah no like.... I've been telling him for 8 years living with her is a slow painful death where I can't even flee :V mind you we had fled... twice....
She put in the check in date for today and is mad at herself for it and I'm like... for tye last 48 hours your whole thing was that its not fast enough? Calm thine boobies
YES correct it is definitely booked for yesterday making it active this morning but there's a 24 hour window they can back out and uh HOPEFULLY WON'T BECAUSE THEY sent the key codes etc. lmfao
The other problem is I'm sick already, the kitchen is so bad Mom and Kyle can't go in it, Moosey's getting sicker by the moment -> even though the price range difference on Oct 1st vs. literally yesterday is INSANE (1 month discounts ) Everyone is just "GO GO GO We need to be gone LAST Tuesday" which like I get it (I'm dying literally lol) but like....
- It was one of the NOT dog-friendly places I didn't link so I sent a message saying "My Mom has a pomeranian service dog (very very small!) - AirBNB doesn't list them as pets but we don't want this to be a surprise!" and they cancelled (? maybe they seemed confused because they said "no pets" - He's not a pet)
Adam and morons convinced her she doesn't have to look for pet friendly because he's a service animal and legally and AirBNB says you don't have to include him but AGAIN
I mean there's what the law says but then the fact that if someone really doesn't want an animal on their property they probably don't care what its purpose is - they'll find some reason to cancel.
Ari approves. (and also even if you are in the right you already have way too much going on to be dealing with disability discrimination case stuff on top of it :/ )
I mean ffs the first guy cancelled just because he thought we should be booking for longer than a month because renovations take too long and housing is out of their fucking minds if they think they'll finish in a week/two (THEY ALSO THINK THEY CAN DO IT WITH US LIVING HERE BUT LOL NO??? Legally again since the BATHROOM WOULDN'T BE FUNCTIONAL)
trying to project-manage without the ability to actually do so for whatever reason (in my case, historically, generally a lack of actual authority to get people in line) is stressful
like a happy medium between "I'll do it myself" and "ok you can do it, i hope it gets done" with some specific, individually suited tasks, but maybe that's obvious... orz
but since the law doesn't allow for stringent requirements on service dogs or even adequate protection for landlords -- YOU KNOW IT IS FUCKED UP WHEN I AM TRYING TO HELP A LANDLORD
...negotiate with them that you understand they feel ambushed so you'll try and find another place quick but you really need somewhere to go as a matter of survival? idk
We can't contact them without saying first "Hey [Place A] if this is uncomfortable for you we don't want to do that to you, we understand! [We won't sue for discrimination lol]"
Mind you that happened with some of the people too literally 1 would be like "YEAH COME OVER " and then their partner would be like "NO SOUNDS WEIRD AND SUSS"
We're not on the books for having previously used AirBnB, we're TOTALLY weirdos, and we're not coming for HAPPY FUNTIME VACATION which speeds up the problems
i kinda feel like it's one of those "recognize, own, and work around your issues" things that's easy to say as an outsider and often hard and uncomfortable to actually do... orz
yeah there's being considerate and trying to accommodate other people's needs, and then there's neglecting your own needs to avoid inconveniencing anyone
Rofl to get the IDs Mom got Moosey's disability plaquard and Dad was like "Noooo this is mine" and I'm like "Noooo that's MOOSEY" and he was like "omfg he looks a lot like me "
Mom and Dad are getting a hotel in town for the night because he has to be in Worcester tomorrow and he kept barking drill sgt. orders at me while having me book it and I'm like "Dad shush. SHUSH. Shuuuuush" and I fucked it up because I didn't change my the info from what I had before when I was looking for ALL of us so it kept demanding 4 people and o
I somehow got it to only do one night (I assume because nightly rate instead of month and/or a month was impossible now lmao) but for the 15th not tonight
Edit: Legally she can't cancel just because he's a service dog BUT I WANTED TO AVOID THIS ALTOGETHER And I want to kill some of my family
Edit 2: everything is okay T_T except the house it's bad D:
- It was one of the NOT dog-friendly places I didn't link so I sent a message saying "My Mom has a pomeranian service dog (very very small!) - AirBNB doesn't list them as pets but we don't want this to be a surprise!" and they cancelled (? maybe they seemed confused because they said "no pets" - He's not a pet)
CC: T_T nooooo
CC: D: D: Still School street
Grandma: O_O what whyyyyy
sounds like y'all need a project manager