did two days of work outs with weights and I am feeling it today. man.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
You go girl! (app-strong)
the most concerning to me is my right wrist, it's a bit sore and hurts. I know my glutes and legs will be fine after a few days but the wrist worries me
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Maybe wear a brace on your wrist the next time.
Getting started is hard.
what kind of workouts are you doing? I have started doing weights too but I haven't found a routine or whatever that i like enough to keep doing it
so i keep bouncing around to different things lol
Free Star🌟💫🔥 : I might wear one at night again, I feel like I'd just overly rely on the brace while working out
heylisa : I usually do at least one weighted workout per week, but I guess it's new to do it two days in a row for me. or something, I'm feeling it today.
tormentedcorpse : Bodyfit by Amy on Youtube. She is my favorite, her workouts are structured in a way that I really appreciate. And I finally bought a kettlebell that just arrived today so I'm going to be doing more of her kettlebell stuff (but she has plenty of dumbbell workouts too, and even when she mixes them, she shows you how to use just one dumbbell if you
don't have a kettlebell)
thank you, i'll check her out!
I also remembered that I did a bunch of what would be essentially squats for 30 minutes when I helped our friends pick all the apples off one tree for cider, they shake them off the tree and then pick them up
so I helped since he usually brings his wife but his wife is very pregnant