Am about to cook supper and get in the shower but had to share this memory that randomly spat up and has been living in my head on the whole drive home from work
So in my junior year of high school I was the editor of our school paper (I shit you not, it was because the teacher running it begged me to be because she said "you're the only one who can read and write")
And at some point to give us more stuff to do in the paper the teacher assigned me and another girl to write a debate column about cameras on the school buses
The other girl basically wrote two paragraphs that were boiled down to "I don't like it so we shouldn't do it"
meanwhile ya boy Sundown over here showed up with 500 words with facts, figures, data, sources, and shit about how the level of harm and criminal activity and distracted driving and shit went down with the addition of cameras to the point where my side ran across three goddamn pages
And the other girl, all snotty and genuinely upset, responded "I didn't know we were supposed to get all factual about it."
And I sincerely think that was the day I stopped taking the rest of humanity seriously
DAMN OKAY, the audacity of that ho
like i was ALREADY sort of fed up with people before then, but no, it was the age of 16 in the English classroom staring at this other human who didn't realize debates were a place for FACTS that i realized "oh. fuck these people."
and in hindsight that was TRULY some fucking foreshadowing for the rest of my life
and like don't get me wrong this was like, 1998 in a tiny rural Arkansas school, so my sources were like "this episode of Dateline I watched two months ago"
but it was still more than she thought to do
I don't know why that core memory suddenly bubbled back to the surface today but there it is, I had to share it, I'm gonna go test this garlic butter pepper on a slab of salmon now
eat well, and contemplate the foolishness of empty headed fuckers a smidgen less while enjoying ur fish