but yeah, she likes Sherlock because he's the one Not focused on the "don't kill your gf" part, THE ISSUE ISN'T WITH THE KILLING, IT'S WITH DONNIE IGNORING HIS OWN WANTS AND NEEDS TO CHASE AFTER HER APPROVAL AND THEN PUNISHING HIMSELF LATER
bucky: i thought we all already knew that donnie was so desperate for the approval of literally anyone that he was willing to go to crazed lengths to get it
sherry would like to solve this today but he will accept that he can't and settle for getting it across that he can help and is willing to help (but also if they split for a while he privately feels it's not the worst thing)
bucky: so this is sure comparable to you telling me to try and live for my own self even if at first i have to frame it as living for the sakes of other people huh
it's his business to get people to talk to him and to do what he wants, though, and I'm pinching his little kitty cheeks at him using it to try to talk people into self care
I mean normal Donnie also wants love, but he knows that murder is not the waybrain jon: you super do though
bucky: tell donnie he's acting like me that'll piss him off