[Commissions] SO UM. I want to commish something but am trying not to feel so cringy over it.
Like, its for PSL stuff but I feel super cringe and really don't want to think I am being judge for the WTF-ness
and I figure I will ping here first before searching twitter
As someone who has done a LOT of commission work involving rp things, I can promise you that whoever you commission is not going to mind it
And if it was something they couldn't draw for w/e reason, they would let you know!
I just worry I am going to be labeled 2cringe4life and being judged.
Set, a facedown
Set, a facedown
also be careful on twitter, lotta scammers will jump in if you use the word "commission". contact ppl directly
not to imply that any artist wouldnt care about what theyre drawing bc they do but I will say theyre gonna be more concerned about getting paid than anything LOL
Set, a facedown
^^ also that
Oh yeah, I have a few I am preusing, but I would much rather commission local (aka my friends and stuff) if that makes sense? I have had too many artists steal my money so I have become very...shy
and yeah what kitten said, def just message people youre interested in cause 9/10 on twitter someone offering their services unsolicited is a scam
I JUST WORRY THEY WILL BE LIKE 'HEY LOOK AT THIS SHIT' and show their friends and stuff ;;
honestly if they did that would be a super dick move
like you cant control what people do, but I would hope most artists are more professional than that
🍉 catipede
imo it is entirely between the artist and the client, unless it breaks TOS it shouldn't matter
🍉 catipede
I have my fair share of WTF-ness drawn all within my TOS just very weird and wild, but I'd never shame or make fun of a client for it
🍉 catipede
anyone who does is terribly unprofessional in my eyes
Yeah! actually cringe or not, I keep my commissions confidential unless the client gives me the go-ahead while I work on them just as a courtesy, I bet others do the same. but I hear ya on it feeling kind of scary to try to explain an rp-related prompt to someone not in that circle
VERY MUCH SO, I am envious of the people who are brave enough to go HEY DRAW THIS FOR ME who are not in said circle lol
🍉 catipede
I'll be honest I understand the fear but for me who doesn't do RP anymore it's a JOY when people explain their lores to me
🍉 catipede
even when it's weird or cringe to anyone else I just rly like that