okay I have literally thought this for years. Amita. She's cool. She's passionate. She's ruthless. She's cever and revolutionary in a hundred different ways
okay, so, Drawlight from JS&MN pros: crafty little bastard man, which if you aren't playing a sweet boy, you're playing one of those. opportunity to monologue and be ridiculous cons: his first name is Christopher
: I own the actual paper book and it unfortunately never got read since at the time most of my reading was done on the subway but it is my white whale to read!
From TWST, I think you could do an awesome Leona or Malleus. Both badasses, royalty, confident in themselves. Both wise but also troubled in their own ways.
yes! You're the manifestation of a goddess. In the FR stuff, you were an avatar of Lliira; in the revised world I'm creating, your appearance is used by
pros: crafty little bastard man, which if you aren't playing a sweet boy, you're playing one of those. opportunity to monologue and be ridiculous
cons: his first name is Christopher
og clone saga and "scarlet spider" recent series where he was quite terrible