Jack Raid
An Legacy toy of Animated Bumblebee was announced and people are failing to be normal about it
Jack Raid
They don’t like the way it looks and are invoking Derrick Wyatt’s memory and saying it’s an insult to him and shit. Yes everyone, using a dead man to trash a toy and speaking for him is definitely a normal thing to do
Jack Raid
Why are Animated fans consistently like this???
pastel ranma
I don't know why, but they can't just not like a thing, they have to create a moral reason why the thing they don't like is "objectively" bad.
Jack Raid
They’ve been like this ever since Animated ended and we got Prime
Jack Raid
This is a consistent thing from that side of the fandom. It’s like they’re geewunners but for Animated.
pastel ranma
All I can say is I'm getting reminded of certain RWBY "fans" that invoke Monty Oum's name at every opportunity when they don't like a decision the writers make.
Jack Raid
Dr. Min▲zuki
the toy is honestly at the upper end of my range of expectations in that it's in any way distinguishable from plain old g1esque bumblebee
Dr. Min▲zuki
idk what people were hoping for but it's probably not something that was ever plausibly going to happen