621st Raven
AC6 retrospective. [MASSIVE FUCKING SPOILERS. HANNAH, IZZY, DO NOT READ THIS] Considering I've cleared all three endings, I feel it's a valid point in time (no, I am not going to try and S-rank every single mission before then, that is madness)
621st Raven
So to start off, I'm going to say that every single grognard fan bitching about the accessibility features or the difficulty is just dumb and probably demonstrating they either don't remember or haven't played the old games.
621st Raven
Debt stopped being a thing since AC3 for the most part, and especially mechanically significant debt. Hard lock existed in AC4 and is defeatable in a similar manner. Refills existed since fucking AC2. Fuckers are not paying attention.
621st Raven
Hell, the broken weapons that exist? Every AC's had those in varying degrees.
621st Raven
AC1's got its own variety of bullshit. AC2's got its rendition of the Karasawa, AC3 has the god fucking damned RF/220 which you can purchase as soon as you complete the opening mission. And so on.
621st Raven
621st Raven
I'm also going to put serious doubt on the individuals who say AC6 is the easiest entry in the series
621st Raven
for two notable reasons
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The first one being that frankly, random trash enemies hit way harder here than in previous AC games
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Even basic ass MTs are going to be equipped with a bazooka that will hurt like a fucker
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and gun emplacements tend to be a fucking nightmare
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So yeah, the consequences for fucking up are way more than in, say, the first six games. Hell, it's notable insofar that in some ways this hews closer to AC5's set
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you've got the big areas with lots of elevation and cover and you're expected to use it
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The second one, and this is the most important:
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You're not fighting the controls
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AC1-AC3 in particular had a notable learning cliff due to the controls. To compensate, the missions tended to have more trash to fight.
621st Raven
So I'd say AC6's difficulty is less baked into simply making the mech do what you want it to and more in actually fighting the other dudes. Which, again, the other dudes would be That Enemy in older games
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Especially once you get into SG and whatnot who will read your attacks and ready a dodge.
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Also: the bosses are several cuts above anything previously seen in the series
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so on the gameplay front, I love it.
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For the story...man.
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It's not a complicated story really. But it doesn't have to be. I feel AC6's strength comes in the character writing involved.
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The chapter 3 finale briefing, for example, is probably one of my favorites just because you have so many of the big personalities bouncing off of one another
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Are most of them shitty people? Yes. But god damn is it fun to watch, and I'd kind of love to see more of these individuals interact
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And they have accomplished the feat of putting me in a situation where I hate every possible choice
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On pre-NG++ Chapter 5, you're set up with the most sadistic possible choice.
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Two individuals who you've gotten close to in some way
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...whose desires are in direct opposition to one another, and you have to side with one.

And siding with one means betraying the other.
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I have never seen a game do so little to make me hate myself so much, and I fucking applaud AC6 for it.
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Lastly, we have NG++, whereupon everything goes way off the fucking rails and...I'm...not sure what to make of it?
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AC6 gets dark regardless, but all of the endings have...some semblance of hope.
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Fires of Raven is the darkest, and probably the closest to a Bad End, since you complete the plot set forth to start a second Fires of Ibis. Only bigger. With the silver lining that Arquebus and Balam have basically decided to give the fuck up on Rubicon III.
621st Raven
Liberator of Rubicon comes off as the more conventionally "good" ending, comparably. You've prevented Overseer's plot, and between your efforts and that of the RLF, Arquebus' main forces have been largely driven back. ...but there's nothing really preventing a second recurrence.
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And the price you pay for both of these is a major betrayal.
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Ayre in the former case. Carla and Walter in the latter.
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also fuck snail. all my homies hate snail
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And...then we have the third ending. Alea Lacta Est.
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which, again, goes off the rails as fucking ALLMIND shows its face as god damned H1's spiritual successor and starts offing a whole lot of people as it claims you as its pawn.
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Either through you or eventually on its own. It does this in absolute horrifying fashion in its rendition of Chapter 5 as well, as it takes over all the PCA mechs that Arquebus salvaged, having them kill one another
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This ending with an attempt to use the Coral to pull a fucking galaxy-scale Human Instrumentality plot...that is then hijacked because it decided to incorporate the single saltiest motherfucker in the entire game, G5 Iguazu.
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who was so salty that he'd rather just try to kill you conventionally.
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And then the ending there which is the single most Gainax WTFery possible
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Honestly, it feels like it has the greatest spectacle of the three, but the worst emotional impact. More importantly though is that it lets you see the threads of where other shit went in the other endings and vice versa
621st Raven
Which, some of these from the normal NG+ timeline to the ALE timeline:

- Iguazu, after hiring Coldcall to off you out of sheer salt, decides to hunt down Snail. (in NG, you kill him there instead). In the NG+ timeline, he likely dies fighting him.
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- O'Keefe is arguably the fucking lynchpin of keeping things off the ALE route. He's a former ALLMIND pawn who figured out and rejected its plan, and presumably, either through action or inaction, kept ALLMIND from having a proper opening
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- Killing Snail back in Institute City means that Walter never gets captured. And he's demonstrated to be a competent pilot as he undoubtedly runs his relevant parts of the normal timeline C5, raising the Xylem and escorting it en route.
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(though he may've been unopposed there. ALLMIND sets itself to offing as much of Arquebus as possible early on)
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Still good enough to handle ALLMIND's Replica Vespers though
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presumably ALLMIND itself had to step in personally to off them both
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well, Walter and Carla
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yeah, there's a lot to process here.
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I can say at the least that...yeah. AC6 is a good damn game. I'll eventually come back to it. Kind of want to try a new run with different gear because god damn there's a lot of options.
621st Raven
no regrets
621st Raven
I'd say that in a vacuum, though. Fires of Raven has perhaps the single best pair of final missions
621st Raven
One of them makes me think that Fromsoft could absolutely branch back out to contracting for Gundam games, and I mean that in the best possible way
621st Raven
The other is an absolute hell of a final battle
621st Raven
which is your karma for picking that route but still