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Need to talk. Feel free to mute if you dun wanna hear it.

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I hate where I work. Mostly because it's too quiet.

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I spend most of my time in a meat cooler and it gets slow after the first of the month

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And when it gets slow, I focus on my phone.

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When I focus on my phone, it usually has bad things on it.

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And I start feeling like I'm bad.

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Not like I'm a bad person, but when I turn away to focus on something like RPing and nothing's moved, I feel like I'm a bad player.

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Maybe it's bad brain and maybe it's not, I dunno.

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I dunno, I just had to get it off my chest.

Sorry I am super late, just saw this.

Sounds like bad brain to me

I am slower than usual due to health and computer issues, but we can plot a PSL if you want, and I'll try to make sure top reply as much as possible.

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Y’know, that would be great!

i am now home and here if you want to send a private plotting plurk?

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