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: Man, I really am glad I caved and got the DLC, I am really enjoying it. POSSIBLE SPOILERS.
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I'm not super far into it, but I like the story thus far and I think it really cemented that these types of games work best where there is a structured, linear path to follow but allows for free roam. At least for me, anyway.
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The thing I struggled with most in the original ScarVi was there was too much going on and no direction to take. They literally throw you to the wolves like "lol, here you go!" and while some people enjoy that, I super duper do not.
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I also think the lack of level scaling killed the "do what you want how you want lol" aspect of it but that topic's been discussed to death. ANYWAY
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I think Kieran is really cute, though he gives me very sussy vibes for some reason, idk why
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I absolutely hate Carmine though. Like, she is the worst type of fake nice, passive aggressive, nasty bullying sibling I have ever seen
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I can smell the story arc for her a mile away and god I still dislike it. Dislike her
They're bog standard moeblob and tsundere archetypes TBH, I want to punch Carmine in the face for this poor kid's sake
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I know they were trying for a "mean rival" character but ffs can we stop with that shit??? It got old after Bede, and Bede was the perfect "mean rival" character.
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Infychu : SAME
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their personalities are so cardboard cut-out but at least Kieran is likable.
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Carmine is such an S-Tier asshole bitch I want to choke
What an actual piece of shit, there's not even any good reason for it like Bede had
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she's mean because /looks at scribbled notes on hand/ boo outsider
Honestly I really liked Bede's stuff, you should ideally feel good about punching a mean rival in the face and want to hug them at the same time. They got that balance pretty well with Silver and Gladion too.
She's mean because xenophobic, probably racist, and emotionally constipated (eyeroll)
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Infychu : exactly. I loved Bede and Silver and even Gary was fun, but Carmine is just gross mean.
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And I know she’s gonna have a character arc or whatever and it’s gonna be forced bullshit that doesn’t make me dislike her any less than I do
People complaining about the nice rivals are mean TBH, Hop and Nemona are some of the most interesting takes I've seen on the idea in a while. And legit even the XY gang could've been really cool if they'd been allowed to be actual characters instead of just allegories.
You NEVER get main characters interested in those aspects of the journeys
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I do not understand peoples’ weird obsession with having a “mean rival”. I genuinely feel like it says something about them as people, imo.
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They just want a scapegoat to be mean back to. To use nasty slurs and be unjustifiably rude and mean to without catching fire because “oh but they started it”.
Yon Fellow
My issue with Hop wasn't that he was nice, in fairness, but I can't speak for other people.
Yon Fellow
(I did love the Blue-replacement in Let's Go)
Yon Fellow
(Who was nice)
I'd have killed to see Trevor rocking up post game with a full team of shinies because he finished his dex and got his shiny charm. Or Tierno inviting us to his premiere and telling us about how he's starting to get famous now, because it turned out his love of dancing made him a PERFECT entertainer in Contests and the regional equivalent of Pokestar Studios
or Pokemon musical stage stuff.
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Why in gods name would a game geared toward young children that promotes unity, partnership, and making cherished friends and longtime memories pander someone you constantly meet in your adventures being a dick that belittles and insults you?? It’s fucking 2023 my dudes, that shit has stopped long ago.
Yon Fellow
I mean with Blue the implication was that him being an asshole and you ostensibly not being an asshole was why you kept winning when you met him, but yeah, we've, uh. We've done that.
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Yon Fellow : I loved Hop, tbh. ;;; but I may be biased cuz Alola is my favorite region
Yon Fellow
(Hop was Galar)
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Yeah, Blue's assholery was A Whole Thing
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Because they had ONE token character trait and that was their entire personality. It was so bland and boring and I wanted to throttle them every time they showed up.
I liked Hop a lot because he felt so relatable TBH. A genuinely gifted kid burdened/overshadowed with MASSIVE expectations, who struggled with failure, self-doubt, growing and experimenting as a person, and realizing maybe it's okay to not excel at what other people want him to do, his true interests lie elsewhere.
Exactly why I wanted more for them TBH. They represented different playstyles, and that was all they were ALLOWED to be. Give them more character depth and time to shine, let those styles come into their own.
Yon Fellow
I really only disliked Hop because I felt like the story kept tying me to him at the hip against my will
Yon Fellow
It wasn't his fault. It was mostly Leon's fault.
Yeah, the narrative went hard on that
Yon Fellow
And I dislike Leon far more out of the two.
Yon Fellow
I really liked Marnie, who was sort of a backup rival and was also nice
Or if you abandon the allegories idea entirely, it could've easily just compressed the group into 2 characters TBH? Shayna-Tierno as your sweet friendly rival who loves all the fun features and gimmicks and just wants to have a good time, and Trevor-Calem/Serena as your serious rival who really loves the crunchy competitive stuff and keeps you on your toes.
Marnie was cool, the Team Yell stuff was definitely different
Yon Fellow
Team Yell was hilarious
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Yon Fellow : oops I’m mixing up Hau and Hop again
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Though tbh I loved both
They were both adorable, Hau was just a bit more one-note
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I do agree that Hop’s growth relied very heavily on the PC character and you were kinda pushed into and forced to be the catalyst to his character arc but I still enjoyed him a lot. And I... hated team yell. 🙃🙃
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I adored Marnie!!! Just loathed team yell. They served no purpose other than to be the roadblocks and “you can’t do this yet” obstacles. Take them out and the story barely changes.
They were incredibly obnoxious, and funny because it was the whole point of them OOCly and ICly
Little shitheels just existed to facilitate Marnie's character beats
Yon Fellow
The fact that Team Yell were annoying idiots IC was what really made them funny for me
Yon Fellow
Like even Marnie's just
Yon Fellow
I feel like Piers had a constant headache dealing with them, and yet was like "Man, if they manage to get Marnie to take the damn gym for me, this will all be worth it. Here's $500 to sort out your uniforms, makeup, and vuvuzelas, kids. Go harass someone else."
"No, not $500 each. For EVERYONE. Figure it out."
A Lil Crazy
Yon and I share a lot of the same opinions so I won't repeat. But I will add that Marnie was also great because her brother is the best gym leader /shot
Piers is so good
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Piers is so good yes
I just finished the DLC and I'll say this, I actually ended up liking Carmine. and I did not like her at the start
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Kyo : hm, I’ll keep an open mind, but my god she hits all my “no thanks” buttons early on.
I'm sure she turns Nice at the end because she has to, my question is if it feels in any way believable or justified
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Watched til the end, and I'm not convinced. My verdict is still an asshole.
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Infychu : she’s better than she was at the start but she still has these really mean, passive aggressive comments and traits that rub me the wrong way big time.
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Also she is a HORRIBLE sister holy shit.
Yeah exactly
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Constantly putting him down, lies to him for ????? reason, yells at and bosses him around, “RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH”, and does not take him seriously like, ever.
she is definitely a terrible sister.
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I was so happy when he was rude and snappish back to her at one point. Good for you.
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However I will say Kieran also has some points I dislike as well
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Especially re: Ogerpon. He is indeed obsessed with it and has this big “woe is me” moment when it prefers you (the PC) over him and the whole WINNER GETS TO TAKE IT AS THEIR PARTNER!!!!1 even when Ogerpon like... chose you.
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He acknowledges he’s being selfish at least but it’s still not... a great look...
No apologies except a forced one that derailed before it could actually happen, no effort to make things right with almost anyone, especially the baby bro, no change in shitty attitude except Yay Friendship Fixes Everything. Just "I guess I was being racist, LOL thanks for being nice about it."
"I would have learned nothing if I hadn't driven the kid into a literal breakdown. I'm sure he'll be fine though. Not like it's MY fault or anything."
Yeah, he started going off the rails. But it felt to me like he got pushed to the breaking point by getting fucked around with. A shitty look, but one that got laid on him.
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Exactly, that’s why I give him more leniency because he was jerked around so much and it just boiled over until he broke. It feels like he bottled up a LOT and it finally spilled over.
Pretty sure we're watching his villain origin story TBH, until we shounen beat it out of him in part 2
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i also feel like there's something external that couuuld be playing a part?? like, we don't know, but Kieran directly influenced the Three coming back to life
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and he's like, constantly holding his head so I feel like there's more to it than just what we're seeing/have been shown thus far
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Like, after we defeat their titan forms, they just run off, so they are still OUT THERE
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and i wanna catch them, goddamnit.
Probably gonna fuck shit up more in part 2
And the head holding is the oni rage shit somehow, calling it now
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
They’re in the same spots!
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Infychu : Oh yeah, definitely, there's something going on
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
Also I love how Kieran is the one driving the story, even if the siblings were meh to me. I can’t wait for the second dlc where Kieran goes off the rails
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
Oh yeah if you need exclusives from scarlet/violet I got them! Since there’s three Pokémon each in each game that you can’t get in the other (found this the hard way lmao)
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oooh i have scarlet so idk what exclusives there are
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i don't look up spoilers usually lol
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ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
Haha me neither that’s why when friend told me where to find one mon I was like “I’ve never seen it there” and so we compared notes and then looked online and yup one non Evo Pokémon and one that evolves
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ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
I can tell you which ones if you want!
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ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇 : yeye, since i finished the game otherwise
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
Ok! So you don’t have morpeko and aipom, and violet is missing cramorant and the bat one, gligar