a girl in love
feels weird to have a bad dream about a driving mishap and then wake up and be like "oh right I don't even have a car"
to be fair cars are terrifying
a girl in love
what's funny is in the dream my brother also had a separate driving mishap but both of them were cars our family no longer has and also my grandmother was there
a girl in love
this nightmare was like five years out of date
I used to have those dreams CONSTANTLY before getting my license
Autumn Vasch
honestly almost all of my bad dreams are like this
Autumn Vasch
u wake up and are like 'brain that is a completely nonsensical concern'
Autumn Vasch
'this is literally not based in reality, please'
brain forgot to canon update
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
brain forgot to canon update...
a girl in love
brain forgot to canon update