question. I have a friend who is really having some serious gi issues. including all of a sudden being allergic to everything and severe pain. I was wondering if you'd mind explaining leaky gut to them?
Sad Dad
Uh... Sure?
you know more about it than I do
Sad Dad
Lol okay
Sad Dad
Like right here or what?
plurk coin = can edit privacy levels
Hi... and thank you.
Sad Dad
Okay so. Basically leaky gut is like inflammation with holes having been poked through the walls of your intestines. Like microscopic holes which leak contents into the body cavity. But also! There’s these little gateways that allows nutrients to pass into the bloodstream and with leaky gut they’re thrown wide open and everything goes through.
Sad Dad
So as you can imagine that’s not good as toxins and waste goes where it shouldn’t
So... similar to diverticulitis?
Sad Dad
I’m not really sure tbh I had to look that up. Sounds kinda similar? I’m not a medical professional. This is just how my doctor explained it to me.
I think it's similar but diverticulitis is larger holes. not microscopic
Sad Dad
If you have leaky gut you’ll likely need to go on a strict diet like I have to allow your gut to heal. Since you have a lot of allergies you might also have some autoimmune conditions like celiacs
Sad Dad
I had to take a food sensitive test. One of my big ones is wheat/gluten among other things. But I’m told that the body often mistakes other things for gluten so when you heal some of those sensitivities will go away
So are I don't seem to have celiac, but the list I have SO FAR of what I can't eat... leaves me almost nothing I can eat and the list isn't exhaustive.
between that and the pain made me go "I wonder" because of the mistaking things for others
Sad Dad
I know that feeling friend. So much. I’m on a very strict diet atm that’s a modified paleo diet essentially
Sad Dad
If you can find, and afford, a functional medicine doctor they may be able to help you more. That’s what I go to.
Would you guys be okay with me requesting my mom gets added to this? She knows more about how to talk to Doctors than I do.
functional medicine doctor?
I need a plurk handle is all
Sad Dad
Yeah they have a more wholestic approach. But that also means insurance won’t cover everything.
I have never heard of this, honestly.
Sad Dad
I didn’t either until my mom pointed me to one
But I am on disability with government assistance ... anything not covered... I can't really afford.
Sad Dad
I can barely afford it so I understand.
I just made it public because I can't figure out how to add her
Ah. Sorry, and thank you
you might be able to work things out with the doctor, one you find one?
I'll make her look at this tomorrow, she's already asleep
Sad Dad
But ask your doctor if they can at least do a good sensitivity test? Finding out what’s bothering you can at least point you in the right direction
Sad Dad
I have an allergist on Thursday if the hurricane doesn’t cancel it.
Sad Dad
Wheat zoomer I believe is the one they had me take
Sad Dad
Okay that’s great! Good luck friend. I hope you can get some answers <3
not sure what that is. But I had to have a blood test with the PCP and th list is.... insane.
Thank you
Sad Dad
Wheat zoomer was just the name of the test. I’m sure there’s several out there.
𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐥𝐲𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
Can I poke my head in and say that you need to be very careful, because some FMDs are amazing and some are total scams
Sad Dad
That’s a fair point
𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐥𝐲𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 : Honestly, please do, and if you know how to find good ones, I'm sure that would be useful? Because really chicklet is suffering
Like I think the last time the detailed their diet, they had like a handful of things they could eat and they are in a lot of pain all the time
Sad Dad
Yeah that sounds worse than my condition tbh. I feel for you. <_>
Sad Dad
I suspect there’s a lot more than just leaky gut going on.
I mean I think so too but it seems to fit a lot of it?
Sad Dad
I’m sure it’s part of it!
Sad Dad
But there are many many auto immune conditions out there too.
yeah so many
and their mom has one too (sorry chicklet's mom I forget your name)
Sad Dad
Anyway I need to sleep. Feel free to ping me if you want to. I’ll look in the morning.
thank you
Sad Dad
She goes by Elf.
And hank you guys, so much
𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐥𝐲𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
Gimme a location and I will reach out my medical networking tendrils
𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐥𝐲𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
I have Crohns so I sympathize with you all.
..... I'm stuck with whomever my insurance works with, but thank you