[meme] time for veggie opinions again
steamed artichoke is the best food in the world and you will not convince me otherwise
I can't stand it preserved in any form, it ruins the delicate flavor, but I will eat basically an unlimited number of fresh steamed artichokes
potatoes take second place only because artichoke exists. they are a perfect staple food that you basically cannot fuck up
hearty, filling, quite nutritious if you eat the skin, versatile, tasty. thank you, Andean farmers, for the humble potato.
carrots are great cooked, great raw, really fun to grow and harvest from your garden, good nutrition. love em.
cabbage surprised me, as for most of my life I did not understand it. as a kid I just thought it was bad lettuce. nobody told me it turns wonderfully tender and sweet when cooked.
and garlic, well. it's garlic.
asparagus gets knocked down to A tier entirely and only because the the asparagus pee somehow always comes as a gross surprise, no matter how long I've been eating asparagus and know to expect it. it's otherwise an excellent roasting veggie and a tasty source of nutrition, no complaints about the eating experience. it's just the pee.
broccoli is an extremely solid veggie, and it's only not S tier because I don't Love It the way I love the S tiers. I will basically never complain about broccoli on my plate. I'm not a fan of the stems, there's not enough flavor to make the texture worth it, but nobody ever makes a side dish of just broccoli stems. we all know the florets are where it's at.
tomato is EXCELLENT as a soup or sauce, and a texture nightmare in any solid form. I simply will not eat a chunked or sliced tomato. you gotta puree that shit.
corn is delicious and versatile and I love eating it but it does get points off for the indigestible husks of the kernels and how much they get stuck in your teeth.
ginger is a fine and excellent spice, but it's a sometimes thing.
I usually just cut the stems up into smaller pieces when we're roasting broccoli
pumpkin I love extremely and honestly it should be S tier on the strength of pumpkin pie alone, but I realized that I do in fact only consume it in seasonal baked goods.
peas are extremely solid and I love to put them in chicken soup or chicken and dumplings or eat them on their own, I just don't have as much affection for them as for carrots
sweet potatoes are a delicious sometimes tuber. most of the time when I'm eating a sweet potato I'd be just as happy eating a regular potato.
terravesty : I could see that fixing the texture issue, yeah :|a
B tier, with the exception of brussels sprouts, is all veggies I like in One Specific Form and wouldn't eat on their own
radishes are good in salads, zucchini makes zucchini bread, etc. I will Occasionally willingly consume an onion ring but generally I need my onion to completely disappear into the dish it's part of.
brussels sprouts are there because they're VERY good roasted, but they're kind of a pain in the ass and the result is not artichoke levels of Worth It.
butternut squash is alone in the C tier because like..... it's okay
but I've only had it in a pot roast where it kind of disintegrated.
D tier I just plain don't like.
and of course the final tier speaks for itself.
though I should have put the peppers in F tier tbh. I not only haven't eaten them, I never will.
skerple and just for fun let's compare to the last time I did this, for a different tierlist
... I see I am pretty consistent
I like pickled radishes a lot too
I'm honestly not a fan of pickled things on the whole myself, but I could see radishes pickling well yeah :|a
how does it feel to be so correct about tomato texture
it feels delicious and saucy