Gea-Suan Lin
Retrieving 1TB of data from a faulty Seagate Firecud...

M.2 SSD 跑一跑會爛掉,於是開始了惡搞的道路... 一開始先用 C 型夾硬幹,把可能虛焊的晶片硬壓回去 (?!)

然後後面就拿出熱風槍 (!!!) 解決問題 XDDD

John Graham-Cumming - Wikipedia

看了一下作者,是 Cloudflare 的 CTO?

Gea-Suan Lin (
" Very careful plugging and unplugging of the board helped me find the right spot to squeeze one of the chips to make the SSD work "

huh... 這聽起來也太 magical