oh geeze my body feels like an achy mess, truck did a number on me today. chat with me so I get off the floor, plurk
I ate, have water and am taking a painkiller so it'll kick in and I can resume tags soon, but phew a distraction to get myself moving will be nice, so I'm just gonna chatter
honestly things are going swell, though. I'm enjoying art, I'm feeling confident in rp again, I feel competent at my job
physical labor is great because I can save my brain power for the creator endeavors I want to work on when I get home, but moving heavy stuff in the morning at a breakneck pace 5 days a week does take a toll sometimes
let's see, what else. I got 1/4 commissions done and about 40% of the way on the next one! I am excited to resume warmups to get some plurk requests in again too
I've decided to treat myself to an art book I've been wanting, though it's only preorder right now, so that will be a fun surprise in November after I forget I've ordered it
I almost have a good pumpkin pie humanization design down, once I can draw her in a style I consistently like for icons, it's all over
I have about half her app done, though it's a lot of disjointed paragraphs I know it'll come together. I was planning to not app until next month or so anyway since I have a wedding and camping coming up the next weekend and the one after
but I'll try and keep up with her voice testing threads even if they end before I'm ready. I think it's going well