expired milk
looking back on LJRP and even early DWRP is wild compared to how things are now, like how did we even get here
expired milk
who remembers why they're called fourth wall events
expired milk
it's because the earliest ones let players come in on their personal journals and interact with the characters
expired milk
that would never fly nowadays and anyone who suggested it would be lucky if they weren't blacklisted
expired milk
...also remember when every game had fourth-wall events, nowadays only the oldest legacy games still do
فك يو
god, fuckin wild, right
A Dracula
expired milk
A lot of things have changed for the better, too. You don't see people whining everywhere they can that some character in their game is in the wrong ship.
hanyako 🐈‍⬛👻
not gonna lie, I miss fourth-wall events last one I remember was in Recolle, and it's just... fun to bring in characters who may not fit in long term in the game but can at least bounce off of the others
hanyako 🐈‍⬛👻
like Recolle!Syaoran met his TRC counterpart during that event and it was absolutely fascinating to thread out
Wait, fourth wall events aren't as much a thing anymore? I didn't witness the era where players interacted with them, though, wow!
Badfic Manor had some level of fourth wall breaking! A bit.
Be Maki-Mine🎆
it's so funny seeing Iddy in this plurk because I actually am looking at a fourth wall event in her game soon, though it's a pretty well organized modern style one
فك يو
lol i did the write-up for that one and i specifically added the "no IRL politicians/edgy troll accounts" line not because i think people are itching to do that now, but because i remember the crazy old days and i wanted to cover my ass
expired milk
I remember those...
Be Maki-Mine🎆
Ryslig used to have a certain icon for a politician and then was like... uh let's change that...
Lol that was my fault for Ryslig since being canadian I only knew him as that dude from apprentice who is a jerk, perfect for a dumb mayor
Then he was replaces with the 3rd prime minster of canada I think lol "well he's dead and was mostly insignificant this should be okay"
Remember the gender switch events back then which is "god why" now lol
expired milk
John Abbott is a great choice for an NPC PB tbh
expired milk
I feel that, while genderbend events generally don't fly today, they were embraced back then as a socially acceptable way to play around with gender.
Also fun fact the 4th's dad robot icon thing is from a kid's quebec scifi show that had my dad's name. I regret nothing
expired milk
Same with all those love potion events we had or other events that would change around the in-game ships. It's not a coincidence that those often led to same-gender ships with the plausible deniability of "but it's just because of the event" in an era where people were put on blast on RP Secrets and RP Anon Meme because "that character isn't gay!!"
Ahh yes lol
I did literally play Otacon for an event where I painsakenly RL all the icons I had of him it was pretty fun
MNK Zoomies
I seem to be the outlier since I never really liked 4th wall events |D
expired milk
I loved them, there was a time I took part in any one I saw.
Ah, love potion type stuff, the PG-13 rated aphrodisiac. Avoided like the plague. : D;;;

I miss the genderbent and age swap events! I truly miss a lot of these events.
I feel like there most events these days aren't as fun, they're too... plot-heavy and I miss the cracky, lighthearted jamjar type of games.
I guess memes are best these days. I still really loved the forced truth meme we had in Faraway Place, it felt so classic and fun.
expired milk
I love plot-heavy games, but why is it the only option now? And if someone does try something like the old crack jamjars, we no longer know what to do with ourselves.
God I miss the lighthearted events so much
Unfortunately though not only do you still see some people whining about ships, a glance at wankgate can tell you that people are more cruel than ever
It turned into slapfights when we were younger to trying to like, absolutely stab people in the front or back at any given opportunity there
Somewhere along the line I think a lot of people forgot to have fun lmao
expired milk
The difference is WG is a hive most people haven't glanced at in years, largely populated by people who, from what I hear, mostly don't even RP anymore and just come for the gossip, RP Secrets died quietly, and RPanons has gotten way calmer and less hateful than it was even 10 years ago.
expired milk
In the late 2000s, RP Anon Meme was not only openly catty and cruel, it was a huge community event everyone was expected to take part in.
expired milk
If people hated you, you knew it.
The point of the cruelty still stands. It's BAD there. Worse than I've ever seen rpa/s
expired milk
I'll take you at your word, I'm not looking.
I remember WG being a lot worse in the ACJ days. At least these days you have to bring evidence to actually get people to care.
But in the ACJ days, people would get dogpiled based purely on slander.
as someone who's been attacked and seen people attacked within these last few years, it hasn't changed
there's as much slander and grudges than people actually doing something bad
DIE!Ba Nana
It's less WG isn't nasty and more they aren't a hivemind about what to be nasty about, with exception towards "acceptable targets" (big name wankers, social faux pas, anything straight dudes are the most interested in)
DIE!Ba Nana
I see a lot more bickering and "are we the bad guys?" lately from them.
فك يو
"Lol that was my fault for Ryslig since being canadian I only knew him as that dude from apprentice who is a jerk, perfect for a dumb mayor" oh no oh god i'm so sorry
Devilman TC
I haven't been in any real games besides the occasional post in a dressing room style thing but I think what happened is everyone stopped being 16 year olds.
Lightning Bolt
I think I was right to not get a plurk back in high school
expired milk
I can't imagine being in high school in this community, I'm glad I was in small friend group games until I discovered LJRP in university
Be Maki-Mine🎆
yeah WG fucked me up in high school lmao
Lightning Bolt
i was just a confused little teen noodling along and being completely confused about the drama that leaked into the ooc comms on occasion
Devilman TC
WG is the kind of toxicity that makes you wish for the petty passive agressiveness of Secrets comms.
expired milk
At least sometimes the secrets were funny.
Be Maki-Mine🎆
and had presentation
Devilman TC
the effort needed to make them i think gave some time to make you think over it
And there were a good chunk that were positive, too!
expired milk
Devilman TC
I know I made some myself, whether it was cause I was shy about it or just wanted to post something to put a smile on people in my game
I think even the negative ones even were like...really vague. I don't recall anyone being called out by name. like idk. it was petty but it wasn't actively cruel and malicious and sending people after someone who most of the time is cringy at most
wg is like 5% actively notifying people of someone being dangerous and 95% mean girls
I made a huge flash thankijg smash academy on for rpsecrets last day. Then admitted most of the positive secrets from the game were from me and I'd been doing it in secret cause I hated the whole negativity aspect