Princess Emily
AUAUAUGGHGH of course my mom fucks up introducing the cats
oh no...
Princess Emily
I have them separated, Vivi is getting used to the new environment by being in the bathroom, she's mostly hiding but there's not really a lot of spaces in there to hide, but it's like okay we letchu do you
Princess Emily
I've already speedrun introducing the cats some by letting them see each other at a distance, while Vivi is in her crate, because of the fact Jiji is generally mellow and Vivi's a kitten, so it shouldn't set off as many "no this is my territory" alarms but that's it
Princess Emily
and then my mom comes in
Princess Emily
Princess Emily
it hasn't even been a day yet!!!
Princess Emily
so she goes in and grabs Vivi and brings her out into the bedroom with Jiji
Princess Emily
and like
Lightning Bolt
what the hell
Princess Emily
gets them right up in each other's faces
Princess Emily
without anything in between them
Princess Emily
so NOW Jiji is hissing at her
Princess Emily
and then my mom is like /smacks Jiji "No hissing!"
which is just gonna reinforce "new cat = bad"
Princess Emily
and just, everything! I was avoiding!
Princess Emily
I was speedrunning their intros as it was! because I only have one litterbox so I need them to get along sooner rather than later!
Princess Emily
but now I have to figure out how to keep them GENUINELY SEPARATED to reset Jiji to manufacturer's default
YOur mom....
A Grinning DM
what the hell is wrong with your mom
goddammit emily's mom!!!!!!!
Princess Emily
at least Vivi is starting to trust and like me,
Princess Emily
that's all I got now
for the litterbox issue, they make these little like, 'travel litterboxes' that are just like, wax-coated cardboard box lids, pretty inexpensive and you should be able to grab a pack at any pet store. so you could set Vivi up with that as her litterbox until you're ready to let them interact unsupervised
Princess Emily
I'd love to if I had the means of getting to a pet store, alas,
Princess Emily
all of this happens as my car is broken without an engine
ah yeah that does throw a huge wrench in things
Princess Emily
Princess Emily
I got her out of the bathroom and in Exploring Mode
Princess Emily
she's also being super affectionate with me now
Princess Emily
then my mom calls and she's like being the kitty out I wanna show our neighbor
Princess Emily
and I'm like mentally weighing my options but you know whatever that shouldn't mess anything up right
Princess Emily
except my mom didn't mention the neighbor was walking her two small yappy dogs
Princess Emily
and of course the dogs go ballistic
Princess Emily
and my mom's already taken her from me by the time I see the dogs and she's just like "OH IT'LL BE FINE"
Princess Emily
it was not fine
Princess Emily
she was so scared
Princess Emily
thankfully when I brought her back in she seemed fine with me there but like
Oh my god your mother does not understand anything
Princess Emily
I think my mom's doing everything in her power to ensure the cat doesn't like her
Princess Emily
Princess Emily
my Kitty was the cutest sweetest cat and could not stand my mom
Princess Emily
Vivi's gonna be the same way but this time I understand why
jeez poor vivi
your mom really is gonna make her hate her
cat = stuffed toy, y/y?
just, y'know, manhandle it around at random, it'll be fine /s